Last week, we reviewed the positive impact the hand of the Lord can have on an individual or a group. We also considered the hand of the Lord being upon someone, but for their detriment. Today we look at the appropriate ways to react to the hand of God be it in your life or that of someone else. What are you supposed to do? What should you avoid doing? Being aware of the things to do or not do can deeply affect your walk with the Lord.
Given the name and practice of this fellowship, it will come as no surprise that praise is a crucial response to evidence of the hand of God. We must all remember that when we experience the hand of the Lord for good in our lives, it is not because we are so righteous. It is because of His grace and mercy. His loving kindness. Acknowledging Him for this with thanksgiving and worship will open the door to even more of His goodness. Express gratitude, give testimony of what He's done and where possible, share from what He's given to you so others will equally rejoice in Him.
And how we respond to the hand of God doing good things for others is equally important. It is easy to grumble and ask, "What about me?" or accuse God of ignoring or forgetting us. But we must not give room to such reactions because grumbling leads to other ungodly attitudes that cheat us of blessings. While not easy, we should endeavor to guard our hearts against complaining about God, never forgetting that though we don't understand all He does, His ways are perfect (Psalm 18:30).
Indeed we should appreciate God for what He did for others and use their testimony as a pillar of faith to believe in Him to do the same or more for us. Seeing the effect of God's hand on someone else should encourage us to seek Him even more. The word states that He is a rewarder of those who sincerely seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). As God cannot lie, dig in to the One who blesses those who look to Him and wait on Him to place His hand on you and your situation for good.
One instance of how to positively respond to the hand of God in a person's life comes from the story of Joseph. Despite knowing Joseph had been incarcerated, when Pharaoh discovered that he had great wisdom through his relationship with God, Pharaoh authorized Joseph to apply that wisdom for the benefit of his people (Genesis 41:39-40). Pharaoh didn't react with jealousy and anger the way Joseph's brothers did. Emotions that almost led them to murder their own brother though they sold him into slavery instead.
Rahab reacted similarly to Joseph's Pharaoh (Joshua 2). Although she was likely a child when the Lord brought the plagues on Egypt and freed the Israelites from slavery, she knew enough to align with the Israelite spies who came to her city, Jericho, decades later. She'd heard of how their God destroyed Pharaoh and his army, how the Lord turned the Red Sea into a walkable passageway, and how the Israelites had defeated other armies (Joshua 2:10). She understood that the hand of God could do good for some and bad for others. Recognizing the hand of God upon the spies and their people, Rahab aligned with their God's plan to capture her city. The result was that she was able to spare her entire family and others tied to them from certain death.
We can follow these good examples of how to respond to the hand of God by turning to Him and submitting our lives to Him. This is the primary reaction that will have the most impact for an individual and those they care for. In the time of the earliest Christians, many unbelievers got to see the fruits and the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Several challenged and threatened them. Yet, there were those who, recognizing the hand of God upon this group, joined them in believing in Jesus. God moved in their midst, saving them from famine, attempted murder and other threats. They lived rich lives in the Lord, learning more about Christ and receiving the Holy Spirit who enabled them to replicate the miracles of Jesus and much more.
We too must choose how we will respond to the hand of the Lord. The choice we make can mean life or death. It can mean being the head instead of being the tail, which is led around through life and always at the back. May the Lord help each of us to make the choice that acknowledges and appreciates God's hand be it in our lives or that of others, IJMN Amen.
From @vhodo305 = Heavenly Father I thank You for your many miracles, blessings, chastising, lessons working upon myself and others. Lord I bind every wicked spirit that will keep me from fully being joyful for another person or group when I see them receiving your blessings. I pray to not have a heart of what about me? Let it instead bring me closer to You Jesus and I will share with them in glorifying our God who is in Heaven.
Thank you so much for tagging along on this journey into understanding the Hand of God. I pray for you all that God's hand will rest upon you. As I noted earlier during fellowship, for this to happen, you will have to make a choice.
I pray you make the right one.
The word tells us to Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near (Isaiah 55:6). This suggests that there is a period of time when God might not be so accessible. A lot of us don't understand this. We think God will wait on us forever to live and do whatever we want until we are ready to answer His call to take His hand.
It doesn't always happen that way. There are good, well-meaning people who think they have time to turn fully to God after they've achieved wealth, success, fun or something else. Unfortunately, they don't all make it to tomorrow as we just don't know when death can come knocking.
I say all this to say, please don't delay receiving the salvation Jesus provides. Want Him now and receive Him today.
Prayerfully call on Him to step into your life and take His rightful place. Accept His authority and submit to it. Let Him hold your hand and lead you in the way you should go.
God bless you.
Glory to God in the highest! Thank You, my King, for bringing us together today. We are grateful for this grace and mercy. Thank You for the time to honor You with praise and petitions for others.
I pray our fellowship rose as a sweet-smelling incense to You and call on You to remember us for honoring Your instruction to obey You.
I place today's participants as well as those who will read this thread at a later point, will be blessed and that their lives will be transformed to Your glory, IJMN, Amen.
Lord, I want to ask You for a special blessing on those who took the time to lift others up in prayer. I call on You to anoint them with Your grace, increased blessings and more. I call on You to accelerate their own prayers and requests that they will witness the incredible promise of Amos 9:13-15 in quick succession. And that they will testify to Your glory before the end of this year, IJMN, Amen.
From AC - Adonai Ropheka I know that You are the almighty and all powerful God Who heals. Thank You for Your healing miracles that I been blessed to both receive and witness of others. I continue to plead the healing blood of Jesus upon JAD, Mama K, Auntie S, MD, Sister Ali, and my pepper fam and those who concern them with health battles. Deliver them from the bondage of sickness and all health alignments, discomfort, and pain, and restore their health fully, Lord. May You also replace the spirit of fear, with Your transcending peace and comfort. In Jesus’ Healing Name, I pray, Amen.
From M22 - Heavenly Father I want to thank you on behalf of sis @FFJ and fellow Peppers. Thank you for bringing us all together to pray and praise every week. I pray that you continue to strengthen their walk with you and I pray that you supply all of their needs IJMN amen.
I am grateful to have a powerful community here with fellow Peppers. God bless y'all. I pray that God will continue to show his mighty hand in our lives IJMN amen.
From PBS - Heavenly Father, praise be to Your Holy Name! In the name of Jesus, we come boldly before your throne of grace and ask that you hear and answer the prayers and petitions placed before You. By Your Word, you are faithful and hear the prayers of the righteous, so we are confident that you are with us and have answered us.
Lord, your word says in Matthew 16:25 ‘ For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.’
We ask that you bless our faithfulness to You, and reveal to us the life you have ordained us to live. Your loving and powerful hands are upon us and every aspect of our lives. We continually humble ourselves under Your mighty hands dear Lord, knowing in due time you will exalt us. In all of our ways we acknowledge You, and you continually direct our paths.
You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We have been accepted by You dear Father because we have accepted Your Son, Jesus, as our Lord and Savior. We thank You that we will always have a direct connection with you through Him who has redeemed us.
Lord, we pray that you double the portion of blessings, miracles, and breakthroughs within and upon those of whom Your hands of favor are upon. We ask for your refreshing and rejuvenating grace, strength and mercy to cover us now in the name of Jesus. Heal, restore, provide, protect, and release all that needs to be handled right now in Jesus name!
Praise you Lord! It is done—in the Spirit and in the natural. We diligently seek You, as we walk by faith and not by sight. Even now before the manifestation of what we’ve prayed for, we thank You for rewarding our faithfulness.
Thank You Lord for Your unchanging and immovable presence in our lives. You will never leave us nor forsake us. We are in this world but not of it—for you have made us a peculiar people. We are grateful for your presence within us and ask for an increase of You to flow from us as beacons of Light in this dark world—to Your Glory!
May we continue to wear the full armor of the Lord, and stand firm in the faith and victory we have won through Christ Jesus our Lord. We thank You that goodness and mercy shall follow us all of the days of our lives, and we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever!
In Jesus name, Amen!
We've been talking about the hand of God being upon a person or a group. In the process, we've prayed for the hand of God upon our lives and thanked God for showing us mercy so we didn't experience His hand for harm despite our sins.
Today, do you think you can take a second to pray for the hand of God to positively impact the lives of your fellow Peppers? All it takes is a moment. Ask God to touch those in this fellowship in a blessed way.
You can pray for an individual person or you can pray for the group. The choice is yours and whatever you do, please pray.
God bless you!
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me, Your rod and Your staff they cover me"
- Abba, I stand in the gap for the children at KA. In your mercy, please protect them from the evil one, just as Jesus prayed in John 17:25. Thank You for being merciful and gracious to the children, and guiding those with authority over them. Arise and let Your wrath pour on those who want to use the children for evil purposes. Wrath to Your adversaries, as in Isaiah 59:18. Amen in Jesus name
Great and mighty King. You are the Amazing God who does the impossible. Your power is infinite and I give You all the glory.
Your word for Your people is that they will lend and not borrow (Deuteronomy 28:12). And on this basis, I lift up all You children who are seeking to become debt free.
Romans 13:7 - Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
Lord, Your children seek to honor Your word to pay what they owe. Remember them for the efforts made to obey You and open the doors to the finances needed to accomplish this. For You alone are the holder of the silver and the gold according to Haggai 2:8. Therefore, to You do they come to receive what is needed to do as You have instructed. IJMN I pray, Amen.
Lord, please move in an unprecedented name to free Your children from debt, IJN, Amen.
First of all, then, I urge that ... prayers ... be made for all people, ... This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim 2)
- Abba, I submit Ms M to You. Various things have been happening in her life that don't seem to make sense. Only You know her true heart, "the heart of man is like a lamp to You Lord" (Prov 20:27). Please let Your light shine on her life so that she may understnad what she needs to do. Have Your way, beautiful Savior. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
Good God, You are the Almighty. Nobody compares to You. Father, thank You for hearing my prayer for people that they come to a knowledge of You as You promised in Jeremiah 24:7. Thank You for giving people a desire for You. Thank You for whetting their appetites for more of You. Thank You for letting hearts clamor for You. Thank You for kindly pouring out Your Spirit on all mankind in accordance with Your word in Joel 2:28. Be glorified, Lord our Redeemer.
Now and forever more, IJMN, Amen.
Great and Mighty God. You are Yahweh! The God who we lift high and exalt. You are amazing, now and always. Praise be to Your Holy name.
Father, I lift up those waiting on You for one thing or the other. Your word is clear in Isaiah 64:4 - No one has ever heard, no one has paid attention, and no one has seen any god except you. You help those who wait for you (GWT).
Thank You Father for being the God who does not ignore the prisoners of hope. For their waiting, You have promised to give them double restoration. So, while the devil wants to convince them that You will not come through or that they didn't hear the promise You made, I know You are the God who will not only do what is being waited for but will do exceedingly and abundantly more!
Lord, I call on You to move on behalf of those waiting on You. Their expectation will not be cut short because You promised in Proverbs 23:18 - There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. Remember them for their faith, albeit a mustard seed level. Reassure and encourage them. Help them build up their faith, making them Your witnesses of Your might, IJMN, Amen.
From MFC - Lord, thank You that Your gracious hand is on everyone who looks to You. Thank You for Your love, mercy and protection. Because Your gracious hand is on me I look to You today and take courage. AMEN
We've set the groundwork with ample praises to the Lord. We've therefore opened the door to drop our intercessions at His feet.
Please use the next 25 minutes to ask God to help people. Maybe your sister needs help with a problem she's dealing with? Or it could be a coworker of yours who's going through a tough time.
The key is to pray for someone other than yourself right now. Drop a prayer for the person so others can join you in agreement if they are so led by the Spirit of God.
This is our chance to give to others, keeping the following scripture in mind, Luke 6:38 - Give to others, and God will give to you. Indeed, you will receive a full measure, a generous helping, poured into your hands--all that you can hold. The measure you use for others is the one that God will use for you." (GNT) That means if you pray with zeal for others, you can expect God to move with zeal for you when you pray for yourself and what you get will be measured by how you have given. If you don't pray for others, well...God knows best.
2 Samuel 7:22 - How great you are, Sovereign Lord! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears.
Hallelujah to the King of kings!
God, I worship You for there is nobody like You and never will there be. You are He who was, who is and who is to come.
Nobody compares to You and nothing can compete with You.
I glorify You, my Sovereign Lord.
Heavenly Father, You are the Mighty God. The Upright One. The God who has the final say.
Thank You for having dominion over the nations. Thank You that Your purpose will never fail.
Glory be to You for being the Rock of Ages. The I am that I am.
I praise You Lord for being the ultimate Victor. The Mighty Man of War who has never failed.
He who has manifold wisdom and unlimited understanding.
God, I worship You and You alone.
From CX - Good day, Peppers!
lifting my hands and my heart in worship as a proclamation of my gratitude to Abba for all he has delivered me from, for all the doors he has opened and for those he has closed, for his mercy & grace, and for all you. I am living through a period of a lot of uncertainty, and feel anxious and terrified at times, but these words have been carrying me through. Thank you, Father God, for your comfort in the midst of the storm.
God, thank You for loving me despite all my flaws. You are truly kind and gracious.
God, thanks for providing all our needs! Thank You also for giving us knowledge/understanding. Thank You for protecting us from harm.
Almighty God, thank You for being the God over this fellowship. Thank You for bringing those You want to bring and keeping away those You choose to keep away.
I submit this gathering to You today. Have Your way and be Thou glorified in our midst, IJN, Amen.