Many of us don't realize the impact our walk with the Lord can have on someone else. However, the Bible is full of people whose relationship with God led to blessings for other people. We can learn a lot from them.
One such person was Abraham. With all the people in the world at the time, God chose a cattle herder to follow Him. He knew Abraham would "direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just..." (Genesis 18:19). Indeed, Abraham walked with the Lord and was called His friend (Isaiah 41:8). God informed him of things to come and showed love to his family. All because, despite His flaws, Abraham loved God, walked in fear of Him, and learned to trust Him fully. It is for these reasons that Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son, Isaac, when God instructed him to. The Lord stopped him from killing his child and said "now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your only son from me" (Genesis 22:12 BSB).
It is no surprise, then, that Abraham's nephew, Lot, also encountered God's kindness and mercy. When time came to punish Sodom and Gomorrah, the only people who escaped the destruction were Lot and his loved ones. Unlike everyone else, angels told Lot to run to the mountains where he and his family would be safe. Yes, the Bible tells us in 2 Peter 2:7 that Lot was deemed a righteous man but that righteousness was not the only reason why he enjoyed God's favor when Sodom and Gomorrah were wiped off the face of the earth. We are told in Genesis 19:29 - So when God destroyed the cities of the plain, He remembered Abraham, and He brought Lot out of the catastrophe that destroyed the cities where he had lived. Lot's connection to his uncle and the love God had for Abraham were key to his salvation.
We don't always understand how our relationship with God can save the people we know and love. And because of this, we might be willing to slack in doing the things needed to grow closer to Him. The reality is that every genuine moment we spend with the Lord will produce profit. We and our loved ones will gain the benefit. At least a thousand generations will bask in the goodness of God because we honored Him (Exodus 20:6). In fact, the only one who is happy when our relationship with God weakens is satan.
Our relationship with God can even save complete strangers as was the case for the town of Zoar. The community and its people were within the vicinity that was to be razed alongside Sodom and Gomorrah. However, they were spared because Lot pleaded with God's angels to allow him and his family to rest there because reaching the safety of the mountains would be impossible for them. One of the angels responded, saying, "[v]ery well,” he answered, “I will grant this request as well, and will not demolish the town you indicate..." (Genesis 19:21). Those people had no idea that God's wrath was coming their way and because of Lot, a righteous man whom God showed compassion, they in turn received God's grace and mercy.
This reminds us why we must regularly spend quality time with our Creator. He wants us to know Him in a unique way, separate from how someone else has experienced Him. He wants us to know Him as Father, as Helper, as Defender and so much more. When that happens, we aren't the only ones to earn godly rewards. So do our loved ones and even the strangers who just happen to be within our sphere of influence. God wants to use us to bring His blessings and miracles to the lives of those who would otherwise not encounter Him.
Please study scriptures, making time to concentrate on the Bible without distractions. Learn to worship God and praise Him for who He is and what He's done. Live a life that reflects what God is teaching you, taking things day by day. Practice the Royal Law. Be a witness who testifies of His power. Put your faith to work, remembering that the Lord has given you the faith you need for every situation. Pay your tithes, offerings and give to the needy. Also, sow 'seed' into the ministries you 'eat' spiritual bread from. Spread the gospel and help others give their lives to Christ. Pray less for yourself and intercede more for other people because Jesus said, "it is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). Do everything you can to fellowship with other believers as often as possible. This ministry provides an opportunity twice a week as do several other churches and Spirit-led organizations that are striving to save souls for God's kingdom.
Your life and eternal soul depends on what you choose to do. The lives of others and their future resting places may also hinge on the decisions you make.
To learn more, please read:
Hallelujah! God, I thank You! Promise Keeper. Our Salvation. He who works tirelessly for us. You who never slumber nor sleep.
Father, glory be unto You! I am so grateful for Your mercy, Your grace, and steadfastness.
From M22 - Father Lord thank you for being patient with me despite my shortcomings and struggles. Thank you Father for how you constantly encourage me through people, your word, videos and every medium possible you approve of. I pray Father that you continue to transform, renew and prune me for your purpose and glory. I invite you into my life and pray that you continue to shape me into that woman you have created me to be IjMN Amen
Thank You great and Sovereign Lord! Thank You for how magnanimous You are. Thank You for how forgiving You are. Thank You for how loving You are.
Thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for Your blessings. You have been faithful to me and mine. You have stretched out Your hand to help and guide. You have shone light on the things that sought to remain hidden. You are indeed the One and Only God. There is no other like You!
Quote Reply
From M22 - Thank you Father for seeing me and mine through from the start of this week. Thank you mighty Father for your divine intervention and settlement in our lives. All Glory be to your Name! IjMN Amen
Glory be to the Lord! For He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.
Thank You God for giving us hands that can bend bronze, swift feet, and straight spines.
Though the righteous fall seven times, they stand!
From M22 - Thank you Heavenly Father for anothee beautiful fellowship day. We thank you Father for the privilege to be in your presence as we start our day. We thank you for your mercy and grace over us and our loved ones. We thank you Father for the privilege to have a relationship with you. Father Lord I pray that you continue to strengthen us as we walk eith you. IJMN Amen.
Thank you for today's word sis @FFJ . Today's word is a big wakeup call for me because I admit I have been slacking a lot and going around in circles. I admit I have let myself go in my faith and trust in God. I admit I have tried to control everything while still submitting everything to God. I pray for mercy and forgiveness over my life. Knowing that my relationship with God impacts those around me is enough for me to do better moving forward. It is enough for me to lovingly correct myself in the Lord and do bettr in my faith and trust in him. I don't want anyone to feel discouraged about moving closer to God because of their perception of my relationship with him. So when I make the effort to grow in him, its not just for myself, it's for someone close to me or someone out there that desires to know God. I bless His Name and I pray to walk by Faith in Him and not by sight. To focus on him and less on the troubles of this world because he has overcome this world IJMN Amen
From WG - Amen…
”We don't always understand how our relationship with God can save the people we know and love. And because of this, we might be willing to slack in doing the things needed to grow closer to Him. The reality is that every genuine moment we spend with the Lord will produce profit. We and our loved ones will gain the benefit. At least a thousand generations will bask in the goodness of God because we honored Him (Exodus 20:6). In fact, the only one who is happy when our relationship with God weakens is satan. ”
This statement is so true ….Thank you