Today, we take another look at Jonah's story. He was a servant of God who - and I wouldn't advise this - refused to do God's bidding. The result was that he was thrown off a ship and ended up in the mouth of a whale. However, when he repented for his stubbornness and praised God, the whale vomited him out. On the shoreline of the city he'd refused to go to, no less.
Although Jonah is a case study in God's patience and mercy for His servants, there is more to learn from His experience. He'd been sent to give the Kingdom of Nineveh a dire warning from the Lord - “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.” (Jonah 3:4). Thankfully, the people of Nineveh took this message seriously. Their king instituted a fast with no food or water for every individual and all animals so as to stave off God's threatened wrath. God, in kind, acknowledged the kingdom's effort to honor Him and destruction did not come to Nineveh for at least another 150 years. All good, right?
Not as far as Jonah was concerned. He was upset that God hadn't wiped them off the map. In fact, he complained (and explained) that he hadn't wanted to come to Nineveh in the first place because he'd known God might forgive them (Jonah 4:2). Keep in mind that the Kingdom of Nineveh was his nation's archenemy.
And what was God's reaction to Jonah? He asked him this simple question in “Is it right for you to be angry?” (Jonah 4:4).
Ask yourself the same question, is it right to be angry when God extends mercy to your enemies? Those people who've done you wrong and seemingly without remorse?
God didn't think so. And he didn't think He should deprive kindness from the Ninevites especially after they sought His grace. And this is an important lesson to keep in mind - God can show mercy to anyone, especially if they seek His forgiveness, something others may never witness or hear about. As a matter of fact, you should be grateful God shows mercy to those who aren't at their best, after all, you are equally imperfect. Besides, if not for the Lord's grace and kindness toward us, where would you be?
The fact that God would show mercy to those you deem wicked shouldn't be a surprise because Jesus taught in Matthew 5:44 - But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
Be honest. That's a tough pill to swallow, correct? How do you love someone who's shown you nothing but misery and pain? How do you take the additional step of praying for them? The answer to this is to remember the example of Jesus Christ. He was spat on, insulted, and eventually crucified by people who hated him. Yet, what did He say as he hung on the cross dying? Luke 23:34 - Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. For His selflessness, Jesus was elevated to sit at the right hand of God.
It isn't easy to forgive the wicked. It is even harder to love them and pray for their good. However, God wouldn't have told us to do these things if it wasn't something He expected. And God might expect you to do this someday, just as His Son had to.
Will you be ready?
To learn more, please read the following related posts:
Lord thank You for bringing us together again and that we could worship at Your feet. For those who honored You today and will do so faithfully in the future, I lift up the word in 2 Corinthians 13:14 - May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
IJMN I pray, Amen.
From BI - Lord, I pray for all who are studying and sitting tests. As they learn, may they understand. Lord, grant them wisdom and retentive memory. I pray against every evil plan of the devil to get them sick or incapacitated during their studies. Abba, grant them strength to not give up and abandon their education. Remind them of Your plan to give them hope and a future. Help them to turn to You in all that they do. May they pass their exams and prosper in life all to the glory of God IJMN Amen.
It is easy to forget that God allows His sun to shine on both the righteous and unrighteous every day (Matthew 5:45). It is easy to forget that God doesn't want anyone to go to hell (2 Peter 3:9). It is easy to think God should only be merciful and patient with us and not others.
But, that's not God's way. If He hadn't shown us His grace in the days when we lived for the world, where would we be? If He hadn't stretched out His hand to get us out of a desperate situation, despite our sinful state, could we claim to be His beloved today? Therefore, is it not right for Him to extend that same kindness to others? To give them a chance at redemption also?
Don't get mad that God offers mercy and forgiveness to the wicked like Jonah did. Instead, remember that just as God can forgive your enemies, there is room for you to forgive them too. And once you've done that, remember the instruction Jesus gave us - to love them despite their nature and to pray for them.
The Lord may someday call you to do this. It is best to let Him have His way. And this is what we should spend our last 10 minutes thinking about. Ask God to help you to do His will in this area.
We all know what becomes of those who are stiff-necked and there's nothing nice about it. May that, therefore, never be your portion IJN Amen. And if you ever opt to be so stubborn, may the Lord be seated on His mercy seat as He deals with you, IJMN, Amen.
Lord, give Your children grace and strength to do as You have instructed. May they not be blinded by the ways of the world or the lies of the devil. But instead march in lockstep with Your instructions, all by Your grace and to Your glory, IJN, Amen.
Good God, You are the Almighty. Nobody compares to You. Father, thank You for hearing my prayer for people that they come to a knowledge of You as You promised in Jeremiah 24:7. Thank You for giving people a desire for You. Thank You for whetting their appetites for more of You. Thank You for letting hearts clamor for You. Thank You for kindly pouring out Your Spirit on all mankind in accordance with Your word in Joel 2:28. Be glorified, Lord our Redeemer.
Now and forever more, IJMN, Amen.
From C - Lord I want to uplift into your throne of grace everyone who’s sick that you bring forth healing and strength, over the mentally ill, the children battling cancer, the people who were affected by the earthquake in Morroco that you send help Lord. In Jesus name we pray Amen
From O213 - Heavenly Father, I lift up my dear husband to you asking for Your favor in his life. I pray that you would cancel and destroy all assignments sent by the enemy to distract him from focusing on You, Almighty GOD. Please remove all anxiety, doubt, fear, and uneasiness. May he find rest in You - for You have said to Paul that Your "grace is sufficient." We trust in You, Father for You promise to never forsake us. Please restore his health, Jehovah-Rapha, remove the discomfort in his chest, calm his breathing, and give him the strength to lead our marriage and family. Thank you, Oh GOD for your love and steadfastness. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Almighty God, how great You are! You who have an everlasting dominion over all that we see and don't see. Praise be to You, my Lord!
Father, Your word tells us that with You nothing is impossible (Matthew 19:26). Indeed, the word tells us in 2 Kings 3:18 - This is an easy thing in the eyes of the LORD; he will also deliver Moab into your hands. With You, God, everything is a little thing.
And so, Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Ropheka, the Great Physician, I declare that the enemy's evil plans for the health of Your children are rendered powerless. Indeed, the weapons used against their health destroy the enemy instead, IJMN, Amen.
Your word tells us to ask that we receive (Matthew 7:7-8) and to come before Your throne boldly to receive help (Hebrews 4:16). I therefore proclaim healing over Your Peppers. You know who they are. Remember them for honoring You with praise and petition on behalf of others, for in this they gave freely. You cannot forget the good they have done for others and continue to do according to Hebrews 6:10.
IJMN, Amen.
From C - Thank You Lord for your renewed grace. Abba I thank you for being God in every storm and victories you show us that just your grace is sufficient for us. Help us to trust entirely in You, through everything. Blessed be your Glorious and wonderful name
From BI - Lord, I place into Your capable hands rescue workers, first responders and all who dedicate their lives to helping others. Guide them to the people that need them the most. Lord, protect them and keep them safe. Grant them strength to carry on each day. As they help others, may they themselves receive divine help from God. I pray for healing for all who have been injured trying to help others. May they sense Your nearness and find You to be their source of healing, comfort, Hope and peace IJMN Amen.
Dear God, please have mercy upon Morocco where a recent earthquake at night took the lives of thousands. Also, Lord, there was flooding in Libya and other natural disasters across the world that took lives as well.
Lord please comfort survivors, protect responders and rescuers, have mercy upon the dead, and Thy will be done in that earth, IJMN Amen.
Now, we have worshiped our king and His word tells us this is how to enter His presence.
So, welcome folks! We've stepped before the throne of grace.
Let's use this opportunity to pray for other people. Ask God to meet their needs. Ask God to work miracles for them. We have Peppers looking for God's healing. Others are in need of finances. There are those seeking God's favor. The list of prayer needs are endless.
Pray for your fellow Peppers. Pray for your friends. Pray for your neighbors. Pray for strangers. Think about what you are waiting for God to do for you and pray for other people in the same situation.
God bless you!
Great and powerful God, I worship You for who You are. Thank You for being the ancient of days. Thank You for being the Almighty.
Thank You for being unchallengeable.
Glory belongs to You forever and ever!
From BI - Lord, I marvel at Your greatness. Thank You for JO. The doctor said he would be dead in weeks. It has been years and counting. It can only be You Abba. Thank You Lord for showing Your son that if God is all he has, he has all he needs. Thank You for being the only constant in his life. Hallowed be Your Holy Name forever and ever Amen.
Lord thank You for the wisdom Brother F gave to myself and others recently. I thank You for filling him with the words we needed to hear so we all would meditate on You and not our worries.
Thank You for using him to edify us.
Bless him richly. Meet him at his points of need. Elevate and distinguish him among others and may Your gracious hand rest on him always, IJMN, Amen.
Prayer Answering God I want to thank You for hearing my petitions and moving swiftly. Thank You for revealing what was hidden and shining light to disperse the darkness.
Take all the glory, God of answers!
Jonah 2:9 - But I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good. I will say, ‘Salvation comes from the LORD.’”
Yes, salvation comes from the Lord and His salvation has set me free. I can say this boldly and for that I thank You Lord God Almighty!
From BI - Thank You Jehovah overdo for providing for me. Thank You for breaking cycles of negativity. Thank You Lord for always showing up and showing love. You no dey use me play. All I have is because of Your grace and mercy. There is not enough time to list all my blessings. That is how good You Lord have been to me. Thank You infinitely. Thank You Baba God!
Did you know that our praises cause God to ambush our enemies on our behalf? (2 Chronicles 20:22)
If you have been going through any form of spiritual warfare then you need to get to praising God. Lift up your hands, clap, dance with abandon and allow joy to swell in your heart as you give God all the praise.
You ready? Let's go!!!
From CD - May this brief prayer call with Bishop Walker bless you as it blessed me, "It is handled!"