What does it mean to suffer as a Christian? The members of the early church had no confusion on this issue. They'd watched their fellow believers be stoned, whipped, and killed for following the teachings of Jesus. Several walked away from the practices of their forefathers to accept Jesus as their Messiah and this caused friction in their relationships with loved ones.
Today, many of us have had the blessing of growing up in families that believe in Christ. The level of commitment to His teachings may vary, but Christianity is not so foreign a concept that we've had to go into hiding and worry about attacks from individuals or officials.
Yet, many live in fear because they have chosen to go the way of Christ and His Father, Almighty God. Their choice has brought them problems in both the physical and spiritual realms.
In the physical, their friends may have given them space because they no longer have shared interests. Some family members may have lost patience with their newfound zeal for Bible study and teachings. Coworkers may avoid their desk for fear of being reminded to give Jesus a try.
The attacks in the spiritual realm are more intense. Confusing dreams that create terror upon waking, or incessant nagging fears and anxieties that make no sense. All could be indicators that the devil is fighting a person for turning to God and away from a lukewarm life that was once easily controlled by feelings and sin.
Nobody enjoys being attacked even if it is because they chose to believe in Jesus. And the Bible speaks to this issue. Jesus warned in Matthew 10:22 - You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. The reality is that we should anticipate opposition simply because we chose to be on God's side.
We are also told in 1 Peter 4:16 - However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name. And we are not to be ashamed or saddened for suffering because we belong to Christ. Indeed, it is somewhat of a backhanded compliment. The opposition you face for opting to become God's child is an indicator that you made the right choice. It reveals that you are a threat to satan's kingdom and it is terrified.
Again, the issue here is that you face opposition from hell because you started to live for the Lord, not because your behavior has opened the door for the devil's harassment and persecution. The latter can happen when a Christian's life is filled with repeated sin habits, no repentance, and no intentional changes to their lifestyle so they can rule over sinful desires.
The wonderful thing is that despite all of this, God has grace & salvation available to rescue anyone out of satan's clutches. Whichever way the devil is opposing you and no matter how tough it seems, God has created the pathway to overcome hell's opposition. Call on the name of Jesus. His is the name above all names (Philippians 2:9). And at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth (Philippians 2:10). Just as was the case when Jairus called on Him, He's walking with you to bring you to the point of victory.
God has given you all you need for godly living (2 Peter 1:3). You just need to tap into the specific Kingdom Keys that will destroy the opposition you face. And remember, this opposition will work out for your good (Romans 8:28). Christ's disciples encouraged themselves in the face of opposition, saying, “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22).
As a believer in this age and dispensation, you are no different. Stand firm in the face of opposition and watch God bring the Jericho walls down. Watch Him walk you through the seas and the fires, bringing you out unharmed (Isaiah 43:2). Watch God put the devil to shame so it loses all because it troubled you. The Lord God Almighty is faithful. He is fully responsible for all who enter harm's way because of Him. He's got you!
I like to share a final message of sorts at the end of P&P. If I may, here's what I have to say and I pray folks will receive it in the spirit it is being given. Lord, let this word exalt You and You alone. Amen.
We need to be careful what we consume and what we allow into our eye or ear-space. Even those threads/comments seeking 'help' might not quite be what you think. The sad stories can literally be seeds sent to germinate and impact your spirit. Pray for folks, yes. You don't always need to know the details of their situation. Learn to look at news headlines without reading the text or watching the segment, for instance.
Satan uses natural curiosity against humans but the Bible tells us to be smart. And it is possible because we were made in His image and carry His breath.
2 Corinthians 2:11 - in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.
Matthew 10:16 - “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
Pray, people, for more discernment for yourselves and the rest of us.
I'm not sure I'm familiar with the Twitter religious kerfuffle referenced above, but because I look at the LSA thread list on the vertical banner to the left, I think I know who it involves. Not every popular pastor is for you. Ask the Lord to guide you to who will edify you in the spirit and not just give you motivational speeches. Be careful. Mind your business and eat your food - the word of God. If you have a home church that's not as exciting as the ones with popular vids, but it's feeding your soul, stay there!
God bless you!
Father, help each of us realize and embody the words of Your servant in 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 - For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
Show us, like You showed Gideon how much the enemy feared Him. Arm Your children with reassurance, with clarity of vision, with discerning hearts to hear and act with the knowledge that You have made them Your representatives here on earth.
Let them grow in You and the knowledge they need so as to no longer be unaware of the devil's schemes. For it was for them, You brought life and life to the fullest. Them alone. Your beloveds. Glory be to You, oh Lord.
Thank You Father. Cover us all in Your grace as we go our separate ways, IJMN, Amen.
During these last 10 minutes, let us just honor the Lord with thanksgiving.
He is the One who gives us the capacity to overcome our enemies.
What a mighty God we serve! Pour out your heart of gratitude to Him for this grace.
I typically take 1 John 2:12-14 and turn it into a thanksgiving to the Lord.
I am writing to you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of his name. 13I am writing to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. 14I write to you, dear children, because you know the Father. I write to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one.
Join me in proclaiming the following:
I thank You God because our sins have been forgiven on account of Your name.
I thank You God because we know him who is from the beginning.
I thank You God because we have overcome the evil one.
I thank You God because we know the Father.
I thank You God because we know him who is from the beginning.
I thank You God because we are strong, and the word of God lives in us, and we have overcome the evil one.
Thank You Lord!!!
God Almighty I thank You. You are the Lord our judge, lawgiver, and king (Isaiah 33:22). All Your judgments are just and true (Rev 15:3).
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Since you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the Law of your God, I also will forget your children."
God, I come before You to intercede for children. Father God, You are He who has mercy on who You choose to have mercy. Your plans for your children are of good and not of evil (Jer 29:11). Abba, I surrender any children under my authority into Your sovereign hands. It is written, "the Lord will teach Your children and great shall be their peace". Let it be so, in Jesus name, amen!
Father, I want to thank You for enabling us to pray for the needy. Lord, Your word is that You will care for them. Indeed, Psalm 12:5 - “Because the poor are plundered and the needy groan, I will now arise,” says the LORD. “I will protect them from those who malign them.”
Lord, we wait with expectation and thanksgiving. For You are the God spoken of in Philippians 4:19 - And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for couples waiting for thr fruit of the womb. I pray that you will turn their waiting into fruitfulness. I pray that you will bless them with beautiful babies that they will nourish and nurture in your ways. I pray that you will put an end to miscarriages, failed IVFs and difficult adopting processes IJMN Amen
Father, I recently watched a news report about a 12 year old who is reportedly dying but the doctor's can't figure out exactly why.
God, You are the Jehovah Ropheka. Our Jehovah Rophi. You are the God who holds healing in His hands.
Your word tells us in James 5:15 that the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well. Matthew 14:14 also teaches us that Jesus had compassion on a large crowd and healed their sick.
Lord, You are the God who sought out those who would stand in the gap for Judah but there were none.
You have taught us to stand in the gap for others in prayer, and in obedience, I lift up Soraya and call on You, my King to hear and answer this petition for her healing that is made in faith. Just as Jesus's compassion brought healing, I pray that You will have compassion upon this child and transform the report of impending death to one of a life lived long for Your glory. I pray that she and her family will encounter You and never be the same for as long as they live.
All glory belongs to You, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for countries in the world afflicted by war - Israel, Palestine, Haiti, Sudan and Congo and other countries. I pray that you will put an end to war and bring about everlasting peace in these regions and the lives of their citizens. Abba Father I pray that your root out and destroy every power that causing chaos and bloodshed in these regions. I pray that you restore and help them rebuild. I pray that you accept the souls of the departed in your bosom IJMN Amen
God, You are the great and mighty King. He who owns everything and controls everything (Psalm 24:1). You know what each person needs and in accordance with Philippians 4:19, I call on You to please meet them at their points of need. Smooth every wrinkle, straighten every crooked path.
Lord, we know satan wants to stand in the way of Your purpose and plan for those You created and claim. However, nothing can thwart Your plans, Lord for You have an eternal dominion over all that we see and don't see. Hallelujah!
Father, take all the glory in their lives. Let the world see Your hand in their situation as it transforms to Your glory. Let their tests become testimonies by Your grace. Be glorified, oh Lord! IJMN, Amen.
From JIR - I pray for the homeless and the poor. Please bless them with libations and the strength, love, comfort and peace to get out of whatever situation they may be in. Please bless them to seek You, call on You, pray to You, speak with You, and build a relationship with You, Lord. Please bless their faith, hope, belief, love and trust in You to strengthen. Please watch over them Lord and protect them from the elements and bless them with shelter. Please bless them to know that You care for them, You love them and that You are watching over them. Please bless them with the hope to keep on going. IJMN. Amen.
From M22 - Father Lord, I bless your name for everything you have been teaching me through your word in the month of May. Thank you Father for strengthening me in character and faith. I bless you Abba for what you will continue to do within me and for me IJMN Amen
Now that we've given our God ample praises, it is time for us to stand in the gap for others.
We are going to serve as servants who petition our Master for the needs of others. Who do you want to pray for? Sometimes, participants pray for fellow participants. Sometimes, we pray for global or national issues. We pray for things we've seen in the news. Some participants pray for their patients, coworkers, family members and friends. And of course, random strangers.
Who are you going to intercede for today? Keep in mind that there are people who don't know how to pray and because we do, we have an obligation to lift them up to the Lord.
Did you know that the Lord has said He will ignore the children of those who ignore God's word and wisdom? Pray for these people, that they come to a knowledge of the Lord and receive His peace. Call on God to pour out His Spirit upon the world.
Whatever you do, pray for somebody other than YOU. May our Father guide us as we intercede for others today, by His grace and to His glory, IJMN, Amen.
Praise be to You Lord! Thank You for helping me to be more disciplined recently. God You alone are my focus!
Hallelujah! God, I thank You! Promise Keeper. Our Salvation. He who works tirelessly for us. You who never slumber nor sleep.
Father, glory be unto You! I am so grateful for Your mercy, Your grace, and steadfastness.
From JIR - Thank You Lord for all that You do! Every time I think of how You were sent down to earth in human form to be the perfect example on how we should conduct ourselves, live our lives and love one another it makes me think what a Almighty, Loving God we serve.
Then, when I think about how You sacrificed Yourself for our sins to be forgiven, I am overcome with emotions. You loved us so much that You endured through the pain and ridicule to see that the Heavenly Father’s will be done. Jesus, I give You my entire being. My life is Yours. I live for You. I don’t want my will done. I don’t want to pray for material things of this world that mean nothing to You. But, only for things that will bring You glory. Not my will but Thine will be done. Not as I will but as Thou will.
Lord, thank You for bringing me out of the darkness and into the light. I want more of You and less of me. Thank You for continuing to guide and direct my steps, Lord. Thank You for continuing to strengthen my faith, belief, hope and trust in You, Lord. I adore You and am in awe of how far You have brought me. Thank You. You are the reason! You get all the Glory! IJMN. Amen.
From PBS - lol…Pepper family…when I tell you the enemy has been angry with me this morning…why did a 32 oz glass bottle of apple cider vinegar fall on the top of my left foot and I’m limping, can’t put pressure on it to step, and ice packs feel like torture…just one of those ‘all of a sudden things’ I guess…:laugh2
Lord I thank you anyhow! By Jesus stripes I believe that I’m already healed, IJN, amen!
Woo chile..,:twitcy…I’m really not trying to sit in Urgent Care on a Friday, but Lord let me know.
Thank You, God, for my life is full of joy!!
Thank You, Lord, for this opportunity to pour that joy into You with my praises!
Thank You for those who are worshiping You at this moment.
Increase their joy, Lord.
Glory to God!!
Thank You, great and mighty One.
Thank You for being so giving. You didn't hesitate to share Your grace, Your love, Your kindness with us.
You even gave up Your Son on our behalf.
Thank You for being the God who even allows us to tap into His power and authority. We, mere mortals!
Thank You because Christ paid for us and so we too can stand in confidence and state that satan has no hold over us.
Merciful God, I thank You!
Sis @PeaceBStill shared this with us back in 2021. I pray it encourages you today
Hallelujah! Our God is great and deserving of our praise.
And that's what we'll do over the next 25 minutes.
Come on and worship the Lord, God Almighty!