Have you ever witnessed the mighty hand of God? Maybe you saw a miracle happen for someone. Or have you experienced something that can only be attributed to the Lord?
If you answered 'yes' to any of those questions then pay close attention to the following words - Be careful to not commit the Sin of Disbelief.
The Sin of Disbelief applies to a particular type of person - someone to whom God has shown His power and might. This is a man or woman who has had experience with the Lord and His capacity to save. Despite this, such a person buckles under the weight of life's challenges forgetting that the God who helped them the last time is more than able to do so again. As such, in their time of trouble, they reject Him and rely instead on false gods, idols, another person or even themself.
It's quite easy to make this mistake. When a challenge arises and as the clock ticks down, it is unfortunately commonplace for many to worry that the Lord won't step into the situation. Frightened and confused, the person neglects to pray, flying into action instead. Another scenario could be that someone forgets that the Lord promised to solve their problem. Thus as a deadline looms, they think things over and can't imagine how God could take care of the issue. They opt to handle the matter, without waiting to see how God could have fulfilled His promise.
Most of us have committed this sin at some point or another. Previous disappointments and failures color the lens through which we look at things and this can hamper our faith. Still, it is essential to become aware of the Sin of Disbelief because God takes it seriously. It hurts Him especially because He has proven Himself faithful and will remain faithful, regardless of whether we are (2 Timothy 2:13). Cooperating with the Lord will thereby help us to not repeat the error of our ways. Being aware of this sin is also important because Jesus described such disbelief as akin to hatred in John 15:24 - If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father.
Long before Jesus pointed to this form of hatred, God had mentioned it in Numbers 14:11, saying, The LORD said to Moses, “How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the signs I have performed among them?
Therefore, we need to pay close attention to our thoughts and our actions. We have to learn how to slow down and apply our faith in the tough moments of life. For those of us who have been blessed to see God's miracles, we need to ask ourselves whether we are treating Him with contempt. Does our constant disbelief actually qualify as hatred toward Him?
King Asa committed the Sin of Disbelief when despite previously seeing God miraculously defeat his enemies, he opted to rely on his intelligence the next time he needed victory against a military foe. His experience is a lesson to us all to not make the same error. We must remember that God shows us His power and allows us to witness miracles so we grow in faith. He shows us His capacity to solve our problems so we understand His faithfulness. He does one great thing at a time so we increasingly apply our faith in Him instead of turning elsewhere for solutions.
We therefore need to submit to this progressive training and allow the Lord to build up our faith muscles so we flex them in times of challenge. Seeking and paying attention to the testimonies of others can help in this regard. In addition, keeping track of how God has blessed us, while regularly reviewing those miracles, is also key. We cannot afford to forget how faithful the Lord is because when we do, the devil uses that opportunity to attack us with anxiety, doubt, and fear. In those instances, our discernment and faith fly out the window allowing negativity to reign in our hearts and minds. Thankfully, we serve a merciful God who will steer us to grow in faith so we don't fall into this sin but instead terrify hell with our commitment to the Kingdom.
The Lord will help each of us to remember that the Sin of Disbelief means contempt and hatred for God. He will teach us not to be among those who succumb guiding us to be steadfast in trusting Him. By His grace, we will not reject God or His Son, IJMN Amen.
I need to take this opportunity to publicly praise God for keeping my loved one and I safe this morning.
The roads are a mess but I had to drop a family member off at the train station.
When I tell you the rain was falling and freezing on my windshield, baybayyyy..... I had to stop because I couldn't see. Mind you, this was on the highway (there was none at this point) and not the shoulder but I digress.
Even before that, the devil had been up to stunts and shows. There'd been an issue with the car, I'd seen an SUV spin out, then a Tesla was horizontal and parked on the highway. It was a bonafide mess on the streets. Oh, and there was a major accident between a trailer and a car.
All I could do was keep saying, "What is this? Jesus, help me!" over and over. Somehow, we got to the train station with 4 minutes to spare but, I thought my loved one missed their train. I literally heard them announce the train and saw it pull up. In the time it took my loved one to get into the terminal, however, I watched the train leave. Still, the Lord kept telling me all was well but in that moment, the stress got the better of me. I cannot lie.
Why did I park (oh, almost hit a bus and another car in the process, by the way), walk into the station to speak to the staff, only to get a text from my loved one that they were already on the train?
I was shaking all the way back to the car. I just couldn't believe it. Somehow, despite all the madness and me seeing the train leave the Lord kept his word! I'm still in shock. I don't understand it all. Even the fact we got there early with all the stops I had to make AND having done a 27-minute drive in less time than expected. On these roads? With an accident on the road? No visibility? How?
But, I just want to thank God for not just keeping us safe but also ensuring that despite my worries, my loved one caught their train.
Praise the Lord!!!
PS: Lord, if You have a chauffeur coming my way, I'd really appreciate it. I'm tired of driving on these wild streets. Thank You God. Amen.
PPS: God, I am so grateful I can laugh about it all now. Thank You for joy!
fROM m22 - Abba I commit myself into your care, I pray that you ease off every feeling of fatigue from my body IJMN amen!
I have been feeling tired since afternoon, the devil is a liar, I am grateful I am strong enough to make it here to pray with my fellow Peppers.
From M22 - Thank you Abba for today's gathering. Thank you Lord for being merciful to us even in seasons of disbelief. Strengthen our faith as we continue to walk with you Father! Amen
Again, God, You have proven Yourself faithful. You brought us together from different countries and states to honor You with praises. In Your kindness, You enabled us to pray for others despite our own concerns. Thank You so much! We couldn't do it without You, Father.
Lord, IJMN, I pray that You will hear and answer our intercessions for our prayer subjects. I also pray that You will remember everyone who prayed form somebody and bless them with the fulfillment of their silent cries. Please remember what You did in Malachi 3:16. There, those who feared You heard Your word and came together. You in turn issued a scroll of rememberance for them.
As we have honored You this day via P&P, please issue a scroll of rememberance. Place our names on it and let us witness the result of this blessing. To Your glory and by Your grace, Amen.
Lord God, I stand in agreement with all of today's righteous prayers and I lift them before you. May Your sovereign and perfect will be done! In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.
Almighty God! I pray that in Your justice, You would break the wicked arms that are stealing resources for themselves which were meant to help the poor. HEar the cries of the widow, the orphan, and the needy, who are being denied the resources they need. Take the wealth the the wicked have stored up, and let it be redistributed to the righteous. This is what you promise in Your word. I dispatch angelic help to carry out this task. My basis is that the word says "angels are ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation". Lord I thank You for the positive change You are bringing in this new season. Amen In Jesus name
Almighty God, I thank You for the beautiful snow that blankets my community. But I pray that You would show mercy to travelers. Please send resources to clear and salt the roads on time. Thank you for those who wake early to take care of that. But yes Lord, please let the traveling conditions be safe so people can go to their jobs and earn money for their families. I appeal to Your compassion and the basic level of mercy that You show to all creation, humans and animals. You are He who provides rain to both the good and the evil. The birds do not worry, yet You provide their needs. So I also pray for other people, that in Your mercy, You may send help to them, and let them accept the good that You are doing for them. Amen, IJN
The Sin of Disbelief. Now that we are aware of it and how the Lord sees it as contempt and hatred for Him, let us take a moment to pray for ourselves.
Lord, we cry out to You for strength. We need to receive Your wisdom and understanding. We need to walk in Your anointing for then, we will not succumb to the devil's tricks to get us to sin against You.
Father, help us and thank You for hearing our plea for the word says those who call on You will be blessed (Romans 10:12). We thank You in advance for how You will help us to not commit the Sin of Disbelief against You. We love You Lord and we are grateful that You loved us first. IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for Peppers online and offline that they will experience the manifestation of your glory in 2024! I pray that they will continue to experience victories, blessings, breakthroughs and testimonies. May this community always have every reason to praise, worship and glorify you Abba! Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for everyone that has just started their walk with you. That you that will always experience you and learn to immerse themselves in your word. Help them walk with you with ease no matter the challenges they face IjMN amen.
fROM M22 - Abba I pray for my siblings. I pray that you will continue to transform them from within. I pray that the fruits of the spirit will continue to take root in their heart. I pray in agreement with Psalm 139:23-24 over them. I pray that they will continue to seek you and you will continue to meet them at the point of their needs IjMN amen.
Lord, You are the Provider, Jehovah Jireh. The giver of good and perfect gifts (James 1:17). Indeed Your word states that You will not deprive the blameless of good things (Psalm 84:11).
Father, with the cold weather being experienced in countries across the world, I want to pray for those unable to keep warm. Many are homeless or can't afford the high cost of heating. Many do not have a warm blanket of their own or warm food and drink.
God, I know that the devil enjoys seeing people suffer, but what the devil wants and enjoys is irrelevant. You are the Sovereign Lord, the Creator of the heavens, the earth, the seas and everything in them. You always have the final say (Acts 4:24).
Thus, Father, I call on You for mercy upon those in need right now. I pray for their safety. Please keep people warm, dry and cozy. Fill empty bellies. House the homeless. Protect the orphan and widow. Give power to the weak and weary, You are their Defender, strong and mighty. Please help the oppressed and the imprisoned. Mercy God. Let Your compassion reign, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba I commit sis @FFJ into your hands. I pray that you will continue to increase her in wisdom, knowledge, understanding and discernment. I pray that you will bless her, her family, her loved ones, her job, her interests. I pray you will continue to strengthen her to move this community forward IJMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I commit countries experiencing war and conflicts into your hands. I pray that you will resolve the situations and restore peace to these regions. I pray that you restore everything that has been lost in this countries. I pray that you accept the departed into your bosom and take care of their loved ones left behind IjMN amen.
Good God, You are the Almighty. Nobody compares to You. Father, thank You for hearing my prayer for people that they come to a knowledge of You as You promised in Jeremiah 24:7. Thank You for giving people a desire for You. Thank You for whetting their appetites for more of You. Thank You for letting hearts clamor for You. Thank You for kindly pouring out Your Spirit on all mankind in accordance with Your word in Joel 2:28. Be glorified, Lord our Redeemer.
Now and forever more, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba, I pray for couples seeking the fruit of the womb. I pray that you turn their tears to fruitfulness. You remembered Hannah and Rachel and I believe you will remember these couples IjMN amen !
From CookieDoe - Sis,
Especially with how God touched me recently, today's prayer and praise is a reminder that God blesses me with the miracle of opening my eyes each day :heart: and I take that blessing / miracle for granted looking for something bigger, God forgive me! Thank you Lord for reminding my lungs to inflate and deflate, thank you that my blood flows, thank you that I am in my right mind and faculties, thank you that I have use of my limbs and my words to continually bless You. Thank You Father for bringing me, my loved ones (biological, picked by me and assigned by You -my fellow peppers) safely thru the night and blessing us with another chance to get it right, do Your will, and share You with others. Thank You for loving me and teaching me to love. Thank You for calling me worthy. You be God and I will be obedient. In Jesus Name.
From M22 - Heavenly Father I lift up the sick and recovering into your hands. I pray that your healing power permeates their cells, organs, blood vessels and systems. I pray that you will heal every inch of their body. Abba your word in 1Corinthians 6:20 says you bought us with a high price. I pray that you will cleanse their bodies of every ailments IjMN. I pray that you will coordinate the hands and hearts of every operating surgeon to carry out successful surgeries IJMN amen.
Abba, I lift before You my prayer subjects who are in a season of waiting and are growing wearing.
Please help them to remain faithful and patient and trust Your timing in all things. Help them to remain faithful in the wilderness of waiting and keep their eyes fixed upon the things of Heaven. Reassure them that no matter their current circumstances Your children are secured and covered by Your wings.
Remind them You are not deaf to their cries and that You are working everything together for Your glory and their good. Cast out the spirit of fear and doubt that consumes them, and fill their hearts with Your transcending peace, supernatural strength, and gospel joy by the power of the Holy Ghost.
In Jesus’ name, I pray Amen.
From Callmecheeks -