Have you ever struggled to read God's word? Maybe you promised yourself you would crack open your Bible but when you did, the words blended together and you had little understanding? Or did you see a bunch of names you couldn't pronounce that intimidated you?
So many Christians avoid reading the Bible for these and other reasons. The only person who benefits from this is satan. Therefore, every Christian must remember to consume the word of God in whatever way that is conducive and effective for them.
Another reason to spend time studying God's word is that the Word cleanses and purifies believers from sin. We are taught the following in John 15:2-3 - He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you (NLT).
What this means is that the more a Christian spends time with the Word - the teachings of God - the more they are washed clean from the sinful nature that drags mankind down and deprives their Maker of His glory.
Christ uttered this verse to His disciples. These were the individuals who didn't just claim to believe Him but walked with Him daily. They listened to Him teach about God and His kingdom. They drank the living water each day and it is that water that cleansed them. This is how they were able to live according to 1 John 1:7 - But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin (NLT).
The Lord wants this for each of us - to live lives that are consistently washed clean of all sin so we can always come into His presence spotless and undefiled. One way to achieve this on our end is to open the Bible and read it every day or at least interact with His word in some way each day. Not just glance over the words, though, but take a moment to think about what lesson is being conveyed and prayerfully seek God's understanding so we can apply His instructions in everything we do. In practical terms, this also looks like listening to sermons from Spirit-led Bible teachers, while being careful to avoid individuals who are simply giving inspirational messages instead of challenging us to increase in righteous living.
This also means we have to seek out and consume testimonies of what God is doing for those who steep themselves like a teabag in God's word. We have to spend more time with believers, being sharpened as we sharpen others with scripture as expressed through experiences with Him.
The more we do these things and whatever else the Lord tells us, the more we grow in our knowledge of His word and power. The more we change in how we act, speak and think. Our very environment looks different and even others notice a shift in us.
May we each pick up God's word and prioritize studying it so it seeps into us purifying and transforming us for the glory of the Lord our King, IJMN Amen.
Thank You for bringing us to the end of another hour of fellowship, Lord.
I pray the prayer of Psalm 25:20-21 over today's participants -
Guard my life and rescue me; do not let me be put to shame, for I take refuge in you. May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope, LORD, is in you.
Father only You can do these good things for them and so much more. To You be all the glory and honor and power, IJMN Amen.
Glory be to You, my God!
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for myself and my siblings. I pray that you will continue to teach, prune, renew and strengthen us for your glory. Father Lord you know our needs and I humbly submit them at your feet believing that you will fulfil them accordingto your will. I pray that you help us to not feel overwhelmed and wait on you to better our lives as this year progresses. Thank you Father for you will always prosper us and not harm us. Thank you Father for the future and hope you have promised us. We hold on to that promise knowing it won't go without being accomplished. We bless our Mighty Father IjMN Amen
From M22 - Father Lord our life is always in your hands. I pray that you silence the voice of the Accuser in our lives. I pray that lift us up onto higher ground. I pray that at the end of this year we will look back and testify to how gracious you are and have always been IjMN Amen
From AC - YWHW Rapha, You are the almighty God of healing and we give You all praise for Your miraculous power. I humbly come before You seeking Your healing, renewed health, and restoration upon J and DB. We pray for a successful surgery for DB and ask that You watch over her while she is in the OP and during recovery. Guide the hands of the surgeons and medical team, and bring comfort and peace to her and her husband. We also declare the blood of Jesus upon J and declare every cell, system, and organ is healed in alignment with Psalm 30:2. We trust that You will guide the recent tests and grant him the favourable outcome we seek, for Your glory Lord! By the power of the Holy Ghost, heal Your children from disease, infirmity, weariness, and pain for Your victory and glory! In Jesus' mighty name, I pray, Amen.
From AC - Adonai, You are the almighty Rapha, the God of healing! Pour Your restorative power upon Your children, young and old, with special needs. Drench them with Your healing grace and bless them with supernatural abilities and mighty miracles! Let them know they are loved, valued, and that they matter to You. Cover them with Your love, compassion, and protection, and eliminate the cruel stigma against them. We have seen how Your mighty hand moves in power and sovereignty. Therefore, in Jesus' name, we command the afflicted to be made whole in body, mind and Spirit, for Your glory and namesake! To You be all honor and praise, Amen!
From M22 - Father Lord I pray over sis @FFJ that you will continue to increase her in supernatural wisdom, favour and anointing. I pray that you will continue to bless and protect her, her loved ones and everything that concerns her. I pray that she will continue to testify over your faithfulness in her life IJMN Amen
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for Nigeria. Protests are ongoing and some may happen on Thursday. I pray Father that you bring about peaceful protests among citizens. I pray that you disrupt and stop elements that want to cause chaos and instability during the protests. Father Lord I pray that no lives will be lost as citizens voice out their worries to leaders across the country. I pray that these peaceful protests lead toa movable resolutions. I pray that Nigerians get the change they deserve. I pray that you put an end to economic hardships in the land and touch the hearts and minds of leaders to honor you in the kives of citizens. IjMN Amen
From M22 - Abba Father I pray that you put an end to war and bloodshed across the world. I pray that you destroy the plans of the enemy to perpetuate the cycles of war and ruin in this beautiful earth you have created for your pleasure. I pray that you disrupt and expose elements of chaos and instability that want to profit off this wars at the expense of citizens. I pray that your peace envelops hearts and minds involved in this conflict so that resolutions can happen to end the war and bloodshed IjMN Amen
From JIR - I pray for the homeless and the poor. Please bless them with libations, shelter, and the strength, love, comfort and peace to get out of whatever situation they may be in. Please bless them to seek You, call on You, pray to You, speak with You, and build a relationship with You, Lord. Please bless their faith, hope, belief, love and trust in You to strengthen. Please watch over them Lord and protect them from the elements and bless them with shelter. Please bless them to know that You care for them, You love them and that You are watching over them. Please bless them with the hope to keep on going. IJMN. Amen.
Oh Lord, the earth is Yours and everything in it. The world and all who dwell in it are subject to Your authority.
Father, I place my neighborhood before You. I thank You, my King, for the mercy You have shown us by keeping this area safe. I am grateful for this kindness. You stand watch over the lives and businesses here, preventing the devil from having its way.
Dear God, I pray for Your continued presence in this community. Bless the families that they may know You and parents will raise their children in your way and Your word. I pray for the businesses that they will honor You and experience Your goodness. Let them experience profits that are spent as You deem fit. I pray for the churches that they will reflect You and serve as places where Your presence overflows.
God of compassion and mercy, let Your compassion and mercy do a great work in this neighborhood. Let it be known to all and sundry, that the Lord God Almighty has called this place His own. IJMN AMEN.
From JIR - I pray for all expectant mothers to have smooth and healthy pregnancies. I pray for You Lord to protect and watch over their wombs and the babies within their wombs. I pray that You provide the babies with the nutrients they need to strive in their mother’s womb and that the babies remain safe and sound for their entire term. I pray for the mothers to have safe and healthy deliveries when it is their time to give birth and they deliver healthy baby boys and baby girls. IJMN. Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray that you put an end to war and bloodshed across the world. I pray that you destroy the plans of the enemy to perpetuate the cycles of war and ruin in this beautiful earth you have created for your pleasure. I pray that you disrupt and expose elements of chaos and instability that want to profit off this wars at the expense of citizens. I pray that your peace envelops hearts and minds involved in this conflict so that resolutions can happen to end the war and bloodshed IjMN Amen
Lord, thank You for being the God of all flesh. Because of this, we know that nothing is difficult for You (Jeremiah 32:27). You are the God who can do all things and does all things as He wills because Your dominion is everlasting and Your authority cannot be contested.
Father, I lift up those who will be experiencing surgery soon.
God Your word states that nothing is difficult. Even Jesus taught us that with You, all things are possible. As such, we know that for those who will go into surgery soon, You will usher them in and bring them out successfully. The doctors and nurses shall be Your hands here on earth, bringing healing to bodies. All by Your grace and to Your glory, IJMN, Amen.
Thank You, oh mighty God. Our Jehovah Rapha. Thank You for using doctors and medicine to heal, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for foster kids. I pray that you touch the hearts and minds of those in charge of the system to assign them to families that will nourish and nurture them in positive and Godly ways. I pray that you put an end to the abuse and violence that a lot of them have to endure till adulthood. I pray that they will fulfill destiny and I pray Father that you will better their lives IJMN Amen
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for orphans across the world. I pray that you protect them and guide them. I pray that you will continue to be their Father, Mother, Shield, Buckler and Hiding place. I pray that you will help them fulfil destiny. I pray that you will bless them with wonderful support systems that will draw them closer to you and better their lives. I pray that you will continue to help them as they move forward IJMN Amen
Dear God, I thank You for Your mercy and grace upon all creation. Thank You that Your word shall be fulfilled without delay.
Heavenly Father, I lift up the city of France and all the people participating and attending Olympic events. Lord Your word says that we are to pray for all men. And so I pray for Your protection over the games and all that is attached to the Olympiad.
Psalm 121:7 - The LORD will protect you from all evil; He will keep your life [AMP].
I speak Your word over the city, the Olympic Village, the athletes, and anyone else You will extend this prayer to IJMN Amen.
From M22 - Father Lord I thank you for this wonderful community. I bless you for how you are working within this community and in us individually. I pray that we will never cease to pray and praise. I pray that we will continue to be capable vessels through which your glory shines. I pray Father that you will continue to expand us beyond our expectations. I pray that the fire of the Holy Spirit anoints and purifies us IJMN Amen
Pray for the people you know and even those you don't know. There are many who need your fervent prayers.
Take the next 25 minutes to honor the Lord with prayers of intercession on behalf of others.
From M22 - Father Lord I want to thank you for my life. I know I am imperfect but I am grateful for the privilege to find my perfection and completion in You. Abba Father I pray that you continue to teach, strengthen, renew, transform and prune me for your glory. Father Lord I pray that you wipe away my tears and help me experience limitless joy. Father Lord I trust in you that I will overcome by your grace.
I pray Father that you help me wait on you. I pray that thw remaining half of this year will be better than the past year IjMN Amen
From JIR - “I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.”
Psalms 9:1-2 NLT
Since I started my walk with You Lord, You have done many miracles in my life. You have brought me so far and have transformed me and are still transforming for Your glory. You have shown me Your unfailing love. I can depend on You for all things. I will sing Your praises to the top of my lungs! You are Who I magnify, praise and worship and I pray to do so as long as I live! IJMN. Amen.