People claim to be the children of God but that designation is reserved for a select few. Yes, God created all people but it is not every person who enjoys the privilege of being His child. Alas, many are unaware that they are simply enjoying God's grace and that a Vashti Line awaits. Being a true child of the Lord, and not just one who says they are, involves a conscious and continuous decision.
It isn't a choice of being good versus evil. It isn't a decision between helping or hurting others. At issue is the choice to submit. Though an unpopular concept, the word of God can never be broken and it tells us a choice is necessary in John 1:12 - But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.
This is the first step, we have to choose to believe Jesus and accept Him as God's Son. This requires we submit our logic and pride to instead have faith that Jesus is real and He has a Father, both of whom we cannot see. Only then do we have "the right" - the opportunity - to become God's children.
The next choice applies to those who have completed the first step, thereby giving their lives to Jesus. Romans 8:14 - For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. Again, the choice of submission, this time to the Spirit, who tells us what to do via scripture and/or opening the ears of our heart to the voice of God in a variety of ways.
And it is the Holy Spirit who determines which person is God's child. Romans 8:16 - The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. We - human beings - are not authorized to make such an assessment.
If any of us have given our lives to Jesus Christ but have not received the Holy Ghost, it is time to pray for your deposit. The Spirit of God is the evidence that we belong to the Lord (Ephesians 1:13-14). Further, if any of us have received the Holy Spirit but resist submitting to Him, it is time to prayerfully surrender and become bona fide children of the Almighty.
A life of surrender to the Holy Spirit seems abnormal at first. He might tell you to do things that make little sense. However, obedience is wise and always results in success. He will only instruct us to do what Jesus tells Him and thus has a direct line to God (John 16:14). Since no word of God will ever fail, doing what the Holy Spirit says ensures victory (Luke 1:37).
And when we live as God's children, we enjoy the "children's bread" that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 15:26 and Mark 7:27. These are the blessings and privileges reserved for God's children alone. The fullness of life promised to those who would believe and live as such. Revelation of the "unsearchable things" (Jeremiah 33:3). The power to do greater works than Jesus did and more (John 14:12).
Christians cannot expect to be treated as God's children if we are in fact not His. As the new year commences, it is time to decide to be a child of God. We can't just say we are His but live in an opposite fashion. We need to be completely sold out and submitted to Him. He is calling each of us to make that choice and allow Him to build us into His image. That way we reflect Him and His light inside and out, wherever we go.
Come back at Noon EST today when we will praise God then pray for the needs of others. Toward the end of today's fellowship, we shall pray, in Jesus' name, to become and remain the children of God in thoughts, deeds, and speech. The Lord will help us.
To learn more, please read,
Please join me in praising the Lord.
I just want to share a quick testimony acknowledging the God who always keeps me and mine safe.
I had to hop in the car this morning and drive while extremely tired. It was below freezing and I drove slowly, even pulling to the side to let faster cars go by.
Why was I minding my business, when not one but 2 beautiful deer galloped across the street? Right in front of me?
Those who know, understand what contact with deer can mean for a car and the passengers. So, I thank God that I was able to slow down, allow His creatures to cross safely, and drive on by in peace saying nothing but, "Sweet Jesus Christ," during the incident.
Lord, I thank You for the majestic animals, flora and fauna that surround us. Thank You that when I encounter them, I can praise You and my family does not ever reflect on our lives sorrowfully but in joy. All by Your grace and to Your glory.
Praise be to You forever and ever, my Daddy!
Nobody wants to hear this but we cannot take for granted that we are the children of God. When you look at the scriptures shared in today's post, can you boldly say that you are His child?
If you can, praise be to God. Use these last 10 minutes to thank God for that privilege. Don't spare any time, honor God with exaltation. Be glad because you are not among those who cannot confidently rejoice on this issue.
If you realize that you are not where you need to be so that the scriptures above speak about you, give God thanks. Yes, please thank Him for opening your eyes to this issue. So many don't even realize there is something wrong.
God reveals things in order to redeem. Thus, thank Him for this chance to be redeemed fully to Him. Ask Jesus to come into your heart to reside there permanently. Ask for your deposit of the Holy Spirit so that you will be sealed as God's child. Believe the word which states that all who call upon the Lord will be saved and have faith that He has answered your prayer (Joel 2:32).
Let's pray together....
Father, You are merciful and kind. Thank You for desiring that I become Your child in every way. Thank You for the privilege of sonship. God, I have accepted Jesus and believe He is Your Son. I have prayed for Your Spirit and want the evidence of speaking in tongues just as it was for those in the Bible. As I walk as Your child, I commit to obey and submit. I surrender my will and desires for Yours. I call on You, dear God, to treat me as Your child - the one You love, the one You guide, the one You discipline. Thank You for taking responsibility for me, great God Almighty, IJMN, Amen.
Next, give God a shout of praise! He has heard and answered. Now, step into the world studying the word of God and allowing His Spirit to guide whereby you no longer resort to what the old you would have done. Leave your Before Christ (BC) life behind for the After Christ (AC) lifestyle.
This means you choose to submit to what the Lord would have you do. This could mean choosing peace over pettiness. Worship over worry. Being slow to speak in tense situations where you would have exploded in anger and rage. Showing kindness and love where you would have paid others dust.
The more you study God's word and learn from His servants, the more Holy Spirit will supernaturally transform you this year. All because you are the child of God. Take things one day at a time. Repent and resolve to not go back to your mistakes when you make them, knowing you need Jesus to help you at every step. Don't allow guilt, self-condemnation and shame to stall you or take you backward. Instead, review where you went wrong, receive strategy from the Lord on how to avoid that error in the future, and actually change your behavior.
Lord, I pray for Your servants. Thank You for how You are using them to bless the lives of people. Even those who don't yet acknowledge You.
Great and mighty God, please surround Your ministers and cover them in Your grace. May Your favor surround them as a shield. Protect them and all or who is of concern to them. We know the devil looks for soft targets but because You are the wall of fire around these ones, the devil will see nothing but Your bright light and be blinded.
Remember Your solemn word - touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm (1 Chronicles 16:22). Remember all the ways that the devil has broken this directive. Do not forget how it has attacked Your servants. Lord of justice, deal with the enemy. I declare that as it has broken the hedge it must suffer per Your word in Ecclesiastes 10:8 - He who digs a pit will fall into it, And whoever breaks through a wall will be bitten by a serpent. Do not allow the enemy and its ilk to get away with disobedience and wickedness.
Lift up Your servants. Let Your splendor be displayed in them and thank You for all the ways You are blessing them for we, the Body of Christ, are blessed in turn.
From M22 - Father Lord I thank you for the opportunity to fellowship with everyone today. Thank you for grace snd mercy over us. Even when we fall short, we know we can come to you in genuine repentance. We thank you Father for everything we raised in prayer today and we are assured that you have answered our prayers here today IJMN
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for my siblings as they work on their endeavors this month. I pray that you will direct their steps and that you will be with them. I pray that you destroy every stronghold of fear and doubt in their lives. Father Lord I thank you because I will testify over what you will do for them IJMN Amen. I thank you advance because I know you have perfected their endeavors according to your will. IJMN Amen
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for sis @FFJ that you will continue to bless her and her loved ones. I pray that 2025 will be another year of breakthroughs, testimonies, success and victories for her and her loved ones. I pray that you will continue to guide her as she steers this community forward IJMN Amen
From M22 - Lord Jesus I pray over this community that you will continue to guide and protect us and our loved ones. I pray that we will continue to wax stronger in spirit, grace and truth as we continue to pray, praise and intercede on behalf of others and causes dear to us. Thank you Mighty Jesus for answering us as we gather today IJMN Amen
From m22 - Abba Father I pray that you put an end to plans that exploit your children in any aspect of their lives. I pray Father that they receive a sound mind and the strength to overcome IJMN Amen
Lord, You are He who brings freedom to the captives. The Redeemer of the lost. Our Salvation.
Father, I pray for the freedom of people. You who breaks shackles, I pray for the shackles to be broken off people's minds, hearts, bodies, and spirits.
Remember that You sent Jesus to set the captives free. Remember, dear God, that He went to the very deepest pit of hell to bring out prisoners, having arrested satan in its own domain.
God, as that work has been done, it need never be done again. Yet, people are bound, unaware of the freedom and power they have access to.
So, Lord, I pray for chains to break by the supernatural power and authority in the name Jesus. I pray for Your presence to flow freely into people wherever they are right now. Anyone You will permit by Your mercy and compassion to be a beneficiary of this petition. Let Your light disperse the darkness completely.
Here on this website, God, Your light brings freedom to people. It breaks the satanic structures and obstacles standing in the way of people's freedom. Thank You great and mighty God. Thank You our Deliverer and Defender.
Right here, we build You an altar with our worship and praise and thank You sincerely for the overflow of Your freedom running through this place, IJN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray that you continue to increase us in supernatural wisdom, discernment and clarity. Help us to put you first above everything else. I pray that you will strengthen our inward witness. Father Lord I pray that you will prune us till we hear good fruit. IJMN Amen
Lord, You are the God who is all-knowing. The I Am that I Am. The Sovereign Lord. To You do I bring my petition.
God, all around the world has been chaos, death and disaster during the holiday season. The devil has sought to terrify and traumatize people.
Father, still the turmoil of the nations (Psalm 65:7). God deal with men and women who are bloodthirsty and deceitful per Psalm 55:23. God do not ignore the blood of innocents spilled by the evil. God of Vengeance, arise and fight the battle of justice.
Do not ignore satan, Lord. I declare that where it concerns the children of God, it's house is divided and cannot stand. I declare that satan opposes itself and is divided, it's end has come, just as my Savior said in Mark 3:25.
I pray that because Jesus came to destroy the works of satan, it's plans and schemes for the rest of the year fall flat and do not hit the mark, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for singles. I pray that you help them to wait on you for fruitful and Godly marriages. I pray that you uproot any counterfeit that wants to distract them from yiur kingdom spouses for them. I pray that you knockdown every standard for their future that is contrary to your will for their marital lives IJMN Amen
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for this generation of youths that you will destroy every strongholds of distractions in their lives. Abba Father the world has made them conform contrary to your will for them. I pray Father that you will transform them and destroy every stronghold of human ressining and false arguments that sre misleading them from aligning with your will for them IJMN Amen
From JIR - I pray for discernment for all believers. Lord, I pray that You stir our hearts to dedicate time everyday to read the Word of God. I pray that we read it with full understanding and clarity without a veil over our eyes. I pray that You move in our hearts to understand and apply what we learn to our lives. I pray that our love may abound more and more in knowledge and in all judgement, Phillipians 1;9 (KJV), and we grow in our faith and understanding the more we read the Bible. I pray that You open our hearts to receive the truth and we change and live our lives fully for You, my Lord. IJMN. Amen.
From JIR - I pray for those experiencing war in the spiritual and the physical. Please protect them Lord. Please give them the courage, strength and protection they need to withstand the attacks they are facing. Please bless them to pray to You and never give up on their prayers and to know that You are working things out for them. Please Lord cover them under Your wings and give them the strength they need to get through these tribulations. IJMN. Amen.
From M22 - Father Lord I pray that you take down every element of the enemy that wants to attack and divide the body of Christ. I pray Father that you thwart every plan of the enemy to cause untimely deaths in this new year. Father Lord I pray that you continue to protect and preserve these world IJMN Amen
From JIR - I pray for this fellowship to flourish and those who are lurkers and infrequent visitors to receive, take heed and apply to their lives all of the messages and lessons conveyed to them through the Holy Spirit. I pray that You, Lord, stir their hearts to fully live their lives for You and submit their lives to You. I pray for those who are frequent visitors and participants to be blessed with all of the spiritual gifts we need to be equipped with to be the best servants for You that we can be. I pray that we root ourselves in You, remain rooted in You and endure to the end. I pray that Your will and purpose is done in our lives. IJMN. Amen.
From JIR - I pray for all families affected by the killings of their loved ones in New Orleans. I pray that You provide them strength, comfort and peace at this time. I pray that they lean on You and trust in You to get them through these challenging times. I pray that You bless them with the oil of joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Please Lord, have mercy on the departed souls. I pray that they find rest in Your bosom. IJMN. Amen.
Now, we pray for people and not for ourselves.
Cry out to the Lord to help people with their problems.
Pray for others.
From M22 - Father Lord I thank you for this first week of 2025. Thank you Father for how you have been transforming, pruning and renewing me. I am grateful that everyday I bask in how trustworthy and merciful you are to me and my siblings. I pray that my life will continue to be an acceptable living sacrifices on your altar. IJMN Amen