People claim to be the children of God but that designation is reserved for a select few. Yes, God created all people but it is not every person who enjoys the privilege of being His child. Alas, many are unaware that they are simply enjoying God's grace and that a Vashti Line awaits. Being a true child of the Lord, and not just one who says they are, involves a conscious and continuous decision.
It isn't a choice of being good versus evil. It isn't a decision between helping or hurting others. At issue is the choice to submit. Though an unpopular concept, the word of God can never be broken and it tells us a choice is necessary in John 1:12 - But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.
This is the first step, we have to choose to believe Jesus and accept Him as God's Son. This requires we submit our logic and pride to instead have faith that Jesus is real and He has a Father, both of whom we cannot see. Only then do we have "the right" - the opportunity - to become God's children.
The next choice applies to those who have completed the first step, thereby giving their lives to Jesus. Romans 8:14 - For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. Again, the choice of submission, this time to the Spirit, who tells us what to do via scripture and/or opening the ears of our heart to the voice of God in a variety of ways.
And it is the Holy Spirit who determines which person is God's child. Romans 8:16 - The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. We - human beings - are not authorized to make such an assessment.
If any of us have given our lives to Jesus Christ but have not received the Holy Ghost, it is time to pray for your deposit. The Spirit of God is the evidence that we belong to the Lord (Ephesians 1:13-14). Further, if any of us have received the Holy Spirit but resist submitting to Him, it is time to prayerfully surrender and become bona fide children of the Almighty.
A life of surrender to the Holy Spirit seems abnormal at first. He might tell you to do things that make little sense. However, obedience is wise and always results in success. He will only instruct us to do what Jesus tells Him and thus has a direct line to God (John 16:14). Since no word of God will ever fail, doing what the Holy Spirit says ensures victory (Luke 1:37).
And when we live as God's children, we enjoy the "children's bread" that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 15:26 and Mark 7:27. These are the blessings and privileges reserved for God's children alone. The fullness of life promised to those who would believe and live as such. Revelation of the "unsearchable things" (Jeremiah 33:3). The power to do greater works than Jesus did and more (John 14:12).
Christians cannot expect to be treated as God's children if we are in fact not His. As the new year commences, it is time to decide to be a child of God. We can't just say we are His but live in an opposite fashion. We need to be completely sold out and submitted to Him. He is calling each of us to make that choice and allow Him to build us into His image. That way we reflect Him and His light inside and out, wherever we go.
Come back at Noon EST today when we will praise God then pray for the needs of others. Toward the end of today's fellowship, we shall pray, in Jesus' name, to become and remain the children of God in thoughts, deeds, and speech. The Lord will help us.
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Glory be to God the Father.
Glory be to God the Son.
Glory be to God the Spirit.
Lord, You are mighty all by Yourself but You chose to share Your wonder and power with Your Son and the Holy Spirit. Thank You for being so loving and kind and giving.
In Your wisdom, You even chose to allow humans to witness Your power and operate within it. Thank You for sharing so much of who You are and what You have with mankind.
Thank You for being the marker of love and all things good. Thank You, because we can learn from You. Thank You for this is what You do for those who belong to You.