Have you ever watched firewood burn? Its exterior blackens while it sits in the flames. Still, it may hold its shape for a long time. However, if one were to inspect the piece closely, you would see that the shell may remain in one relative piece but the interior is nothing but ash. Therefore, even if the shell of the smoldering firewood appears intact, it cannot be used for any purpose because it will disintegrate upon contact.
God called two men smoldering firewood in the Bible - Rezin, the king of Aram, and Pekah, son of Remaliah, the king of Israel. Both men conspired to attack the Kingdom of Judah which was ruled by King Ahaz, a descendant of King David. Ahaz and his people were holed up in the City of Jerusalem hiding behind its walls and gate.
God sent word to Ahaz that He would keep the enemies out and that he need not fear. Specifically, He said in Isaiah 7:4 - Say to him, ‘Be careful, keep calm and don’t be afraid. Do not lose heart because of these two smoldering stubs of firewood—because of the fierce anger of Rezin and Aram and of the son of Remaliah.
Notice what he called these kings? Two smoldering stubs of firewood. Essentially, He said of them that they were all bark and no bite. Nothing to be afraid of.
Is there an opponent roaring at the gate of your life as the armies of Aram and Israel did to King Ahaz? Does the enemy seem like something you cannot overcome no matter how hard you try? That opponent could be a boss who sabotages you, a health condition that cripples you, or financial issues that limit you. The adversary at your gate could also be a deeper, internal issue, such as imposter syndrome, unforgiveness or sexµal immorality such as adultery, fornication, lust or pornography.
If you believe in Jesus and have called Him your savior, then God wants you to know that your opponents are not too powerful for Him to subdue. If you submit to His power, then He will make every challenger smoldering firewood before you. The key is to allow God to lead you into a closer relationship with Him. This will require that you read His love letters, written just for you in the Bible. It will require that you make time to spend with Him, because He adores you and cherishes your company.
It means you let Him change you and build you up for the more. 'The more' includes His promised fullness of life. It also speaks to putting your talents, Kingdom Position and place in His administration to use for His glory. It isn't just about what you will receive such as finances or the miraculous healing of mind and body. It's about being a servant and vessel for His purpose which is to terrify hell, serve as a witness to His might and save souls.
There is a condition here, though. You will have to do what God said in Isaiah 7:9, stand firm in your faith and you will not be defeated. Yes, you will have to uncage your faith and put it to work against the threats of your enemy. The Lord will test you for your own good and you will have to dig deep to trust Him when things go wrong. But if you do and He will help you with this, then He will ensure that every opposition is nothing but smoldering firewood. Nothing to be afraid of.
To learn more on today's topic, please read the following:
PS: If you don't yet know and believe that Jesus died on the cross to wash you clean from your sins and open the door to reconciliation with His Father, God, then today is the day to learn about this blessing. Please read the next post for additional information that will help you.
PPS: King Ahaz failed to stand firm in his faith and experienced defeat at the hands of his enemies. That shall not be our portion, IJMN, Amen.
Given some of what we discussed on Tuesday, I'm sharing this short (under 6 minutes) video on negative thinking and the need to apply hope as a believer.
God bless you!
I praise you Father for going out before me and following behind me from behind. Thank you for your hedge of protection. Thank you for remaining faithful to me even when I have been faithless. Thank you for being a help and a mighty fortress in my time of trouble. God WOKE ME UP this morning and told me that enemies were coming against me and to get prepared. I began to pray and read the Word. Then I came across this devotional. When I read TWO BURNING EMBERS…I knew the Lord was talking to me. He was warning me about two enemies I have had to face daily for THREE years at work. And just like the LORD said they attacked today. I stood my ground. I will not fear these two burning embers. I trust you LORD to fight this battle and to take care of what concerns me. I trust you to glorify Your name and let these wicked people know you are God.
Lord, thank You for bringing us to the point of today's gathering where we can appreciate You for making it happen.
Praise be to the Lord who is faithful. The God who will do it.
All glory belongs to You. We thank You that we were able to fellowship this day and that You opened our eyes to the truth of our enemy - it is smoldering firewood. Nothing to be afraid of.
Father, help each of us to be aware of this truth. Let Your Holy Spirit serve as the Remembrancer keeping us aware of what we have been taught through Christ Jesus.
Glorious God, hold us up with Your mighty right hand that we will stand firm in faith, faces fixed like flint as we stare down opposition with the knowledge that the Lord is coming to take care of everything. Hallelujah!
I pray over today's participant's the word contained in 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 - May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.
IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Grateful I get to fellowship with y'all today. God is good. We bless his name. Amen
From M22 - Thank you Lord for today's message and today gathering. I pray that you will continue to strengthen our faith and trust in you beyond measure. IjMN Amen
Today's message is one we need to hold onto. So let's ask God to help us so we don't forget this lesson.
Great God. You are worthy of our praise and to You be all the glory. Thank You for teaching us about smoldering firewood. Father, help us to remember that before You, every opponent is less than nothing. Mere ash. But You, our God, are El Gibbor - the mighty Man of war. You, oh Lord, are Jehovah Sabaoth, the Head of the Heavenly Hosts. Hallelujah!
Lord, help us. By Your grace, we will never turn from You whereby You would call us smoldering firewood, but we shall instead be scepters in Your hand to do Your will here on the earth. Be Thou glorified for ever and ever, IJN, Amen.
Praise the Lord!!!! We have prayed to the One who answers. The God who sees and knows all. He will honor His covenant promise to answer those who call on Him. It is well!
From M22 - Father Lord I thank you for sis @FFJ . I pray that you will continue to increase her in every aspect of her life. I pray that you will continue to bless her and her loved ones. I pray that you will continue to increase her in supernatural wisdom, favour knowledge, understanding and strength. I pray that your plan will continue to prevail in her life and the lives of her loved ones. IjMN Amen
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for the sick and recovering. I pray that you healing power permanently permeates their bodies. I pray Father that you heal them beyond science, medicine and technology. I also pray Father that you continue to use medical personnel to effect your healing in their lives. I pray that you will coordinate the eyes and hands of operating surgeons to carry out successful surgeries. Abba Father I pray for people that do not have access to healthcare. I pray that you make a way for them to have access to healthcare. I pray that you touch the hearts of leaders and governments to rollout affordable schemes that will allow citizens even in remote areas have access to quality healthcare. IJMN Amen
Father, I thank You for Your word states that even the lawful captive shall be set free because of Your power, Your might, Your word and Your Spirit.
And so, Lord, I stand on Your word and declare that the strongmen holding souls captive on LSA are shredded for Your glory. I speak the name Jesus into every place they are gathered. I bind them in the name of the Savior Jesus and decree that their chains are broken and their captives are set free.
Every strongman of fear, lack, spiritual deafness and blindness, antichrist, lies, deception, gossip, slander, libel, rape, death, sexµal perversion and immorality, suicide, intrusive thoughts, distractions, witchcraft, New Age practices, occult, demonism, devil worship, anxiety, self cursing, blasphemy, coarse language, thieving, and all others are broken. They fall and brash because the presence of my God is here. Like Dagon, they stand no more.
And God, as these souls experience liberty, I pray that they encounter Christ, believe and receive the Holy Spirit. That they be filled thoroughly so that those they were set free from cannot return with seven more evil spirits.
IJMN, I thank You for Your victory, Amen.
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for couples expecting the fruit of the womb. I pray that you turn their expectations into frutifulness. I pray that as they wait on you, you help them to align with your will. I pray that their expectations will not take priority over You in their lives. I pray that you bless them with healthy beautiful babies that they will nothing and nurture in your ways. I pray that you put an end to miscarriages, failed IVFs and difficult adoption processes IJMN Amen
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for me and my siblings that we continue to experience your peace which surpasseth all understanding. Thank you for taking care of us and protecting us. Thank you Lord for how you strengthening us beyond measure and renewing us for your purpose and glory. Father Lord I submit every need, want and desires at your feet. I pray that you continue to take control of our lives. I pray that we continue to submit ourselves to you everyday so that your plans for our lives will prevail. I pray that this month of October will be our month if breakthrough, victories and testimonies IjMN Amen
From M22 - Father Lord I thank you for 64 years of independence for Nigeria and other countries that may be celebrating today. I pray Lord that this new year will be a year of breakthrough and victory for these countries. I pray that you continue to work on the hearts and minds of the leaders of these countries to do what pleases you as they govern these countries. I pray that these countries will start to experience new beginnings and your glory manifesting in the lives of their citizens. IJMN Amen
From JIR - I pray for world leaders and potential world leaders to humble themselves to You, God. I pray that You open their hearts to genuinely seek You and call on You in all that they do. I pray that they turn away from their wicked ways and come to the realization that they need You. Please expose them to a supernatural experience in where they cannot deny You, Lord. Please call them to You so that they may repent, be baptized and be saved. Please use them to carry out Your will Lord. Your may Your will be done no matter what. IJMN. Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I pray for countries ravaged by war, famine and natural disasters. I pray that you put an end to these negative cycles of instability, destruction and chaos. I pray that you will help these countries rebuild and I pray that you restore everything they have lost. I pray that you direct the steps and hearts of their leaders and institutions as they work on rehabilitating these countries. I pray that you will accept the souls of the departed and strengthen their loved ones as they grief and learn to navigate life moving forward IJMN Amen
From JIR - I pray for the homeless and the poor. Please bless them with libations, shelter, and the strength, love, comfort and peace to get out of whatever situation they may be in. Please bless them to seek You, call on You, pray to You, speak with You, and build a relationship with You, Lord. Please bless their faith, hope, belief, love and trust in You to strengthen. Please watch over them Lord and protect them from the elements and bless them with shelter. Please bless them to know that You care for them, You love them and that You are watching over them. IJMN. Amen.
Father, thank You, Lord for You are the Creator and Owner of all we see and don't see. Upright One, all the glory belongs to You.
Lord, today is Nigeria's independence day and I lift that nation up to You.
Thank You for showing great mercy and grace to that land and its people.
I pray that as Nigerians celebrate this day, they will experience Your joy (Psalm 45:7).
I also pray, that IJN, You will extend Your mercy to that nation. Things are very hard for the average Nigerian, as things are hard for people everywhere.
God of compassion, please pour out compassion and mercy (Psalm 45:7). Help people.
I also pray for peace. You are the God who stills the turmoil of the nations and so I call on You to still the turmoil in that nation (Psalm 65:7).
Please uphold Nigeria for the sake of the righteous in the land (Proverbs 11:11). And take all the glory for all You've done, are doing and will do.
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for children across the world that you will continue to protect and preserve them from harm, violence and abuse. I pray that you will help them to fulfil your purpose and will for their lives. I pray that you touch the hearts and minds of their parents, caregivers and guardians to nourish and nurture them in your ways. I pray that you remove every negative influences from their lives and full them up with your spirit. IJMN Amen
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for people struggling with their faith. I pray that you strengthen their faith beyond measure. I pray that you expand their understanding to see in your word how you rewarded those that never broke faith with you. I pray that their faith will remain firm no matter the circumstances IJMN Amen
Father, thank You for being the Sovereign Lord. The Creator of the Heavens, the earth, the seas and everything in them. Hallelujah!
God, the earth is the Lord's and so when things go wrong, it is to You we come to.
On Friday, Hurricane Helene dealt a devastating blow to people and communities in Mexico and the United States.
Lord, please have mercy (Psalm 103:8). Remember that You are merciful, my King. Those affected are reeling from the pain of loss. Please have mercy and shower them with grace.
Thank You for all those who were spared. Thank You for the stories of Your grace, miracles, and kindness.
For those struggling to see Your light, may they experience Your warm embrace in these trying times, IJMN, Amen.
The focus now is not praying about the troubles we face.
The focus now should be to pray about the troubles other people face.
As you pray, focus on asking God to help people in need. Ask Him to work miracles for others.