Since giving my life to Christ, I've found the Book of Revelations and its prophecies of God's end times to be comforting. However, I recently stumbled upon a verse I found troubling. The verse in question was Revelation 6:15 - Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.
More than anything else, the word "slave" stuck out to me. I wondered, how could it be possible that so far into the future there would still be slavery? Thankfully, the Lord put things in context and my shock morphed into a sad reality.
Although the Atlantic Slave trade was officially abolished in 1865, the buying and selling of humans continued long after that in many nations. Sadly, slavery remains an industry today with people being abducted, sold, and abused. All to line pockets. If there's slavery in this day and age, I can imagine a future where such continues. Besides, if there's one thing Revelation makes clear, it is that the end times will be very wicked times. Therefore, slavery would seem to be part and parcel of what's to come.
Just as there is, there was, and will be physical slavery, things are no different in the spiritual realm. Spiritually, slavery exists for so many. This is part of the devil's objective to keep as many people from reaching heaven as possible. And the main tool satan uses to achieve this is sin.
God considered spiritual slavery so important, He sent Jesus to die in order to set every human being free for all time. Despite this, sometimes, people choose spiritual slavery either on purpose or inadvertently through a lack of His knowledge.
The Bible points to occult practitioners, liars, slanderers, and the unrighteous/wicked as some of those who purposely choose to turn from the Lord. Many of these people even claim to be practicing Christians. Yet, they have chosen to not acknowledge God or the instructions He has given for life and living. They thereby end up slaves to sin, bound in satan's snares.
Then there are those who because they don't know God's word end up slaves to sin and the devil's evil schemes. This is why God established apostles, evangelists and others in the five-fold ministry to spread the word and miracles of God across the earth.
Nevertheless, did you know that believers are also slaves of sorts? In their case, they are free from sin but bound to the Lord. This is what happens when believers accept Jesus and begin to live for Him. They suddenly start to put their Master's desires at the forefront of their choices. Romans 6:22 - But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.
As such, becoming God's slave means freedom. The liberty to live a life of righteousness and enjoy the resulting benefits, most important of which is eternal life.
The choice is ultimately yours. Whose slave will you be? The term slave is unpalatable, especially for many who have ancestors who indeed bore that designation and the terror it meant for them and their descendants. A terror that arguably exists today.
Still, the choice has to be made and it's a choice with physical and spiritual ramifications. These consequences can also last long after you are gone. Again, whose slave will you be? God's or His enemy's?
[PS: If you are wondering about those who haven't been introduced to Christianity, God bless you. It is scriptural for believers to be concerned about their souls. Romans 2:14 points out that many non-believers somehow live in accordance with God's instructions. This is because the laws of God are actually written on the human heart (Romans 2:15). As such, they are much more instinctive than many realize. Still, these people need to know why that is and this happens when they are introduced to the Truth (1 Timothy 2:4). After that, they are free to make their own choice. My prayer remains that hearts and minds will choose life (Deuteronomy 30:19) and that the Lord of the harvest will send out more laborers to reap soils for His kingdom. If you are interested in helping others come to know the Lord, tell God you will serve. He'll assign you to free others just as you were set free.]
See you all at Noon EST for Praise & Pray fellowship.
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Whose Slave Will You be? - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) February 21, 2023
Whose Slave Will You be? - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) February 21, 2023
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How has God been faithful to you? It's time to share so others are encouraged. That way their hope in the Lord will not dim.
We have a thread titled Testimony Gala | The Miracle Alley for your convenience and its goal is to document what God has done for His people.
We are instructed to share our testimony as believers. In fact, doing so allows us to overcome satan according to Revelation 12:11 - They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.
God bless you!
Great God, thank You for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for he spilled His blood to pay for our eternal souls and our physical bodies to be free of satan's evil plans for us.
Lord, remember those who participated in fellowship as well as those who will do so later. Please, God, let the blood spilled on the cross speak for them always. Let the gace of our Lord jesus Christ be with them wherever they go. Be Thou glorified in their lives, my Lord.
IJMN, Amen.
*From AC* - Mighty God and Holy Spirit thank You for Your healing power. I boldly plead renewed health upon: JAD, Mama K @k @B2 @MFC and her family, Auntie S, baby J, Ms. H, EL, @NNYA loved one. I also plead the blood of Jesus upon my fellow Peppers and those who concern them, in need of Your healing grace.
El Ropheka, I ask that You command every cell, hormonal system, bone, organ, tissue, nerve ending, and vessel to come under the authority of the Almighty Healer Jesus, by Whose stripes we are healed, and into alignment with Your word in Psalm 30:2. Comfort Your sons and daughters Lord and guard their minds and hearts against the spirit of fear with Your transcending peace. Renew their strength and faith in You by the power of the Holy Spirit. Please guide the hands and minds of the medical team entrusted with their care and deliver Your children from disease, infirmity, weariness, and pain with a supernatural healing breakthrough, for Your almighty victory. In Jesus' ighty Name, Amen.
*From AC* - All powerful God, please break the MD free from the influence of the enemy and stronghold of occultism. Please turn her heart away from the darkness and from a heart of stone into a heart of flesh that thirsts and hungers for You alone, in accordance with Jeremiah 24:7. Let Your mighty will and power be done in her life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
I don't know about you but the entire concept of slavery has always bothered me. How can a human being, made in the image of God, be deemed to be nothing more than chattel? Why should God's creation be muzzled, deprived of choice and freedom?
The devil is doing this and much worse to people everyday. Why should you be subject to satan's whims?
It is time to break free! It is time to declare "I AM NO LONGER A SLAVE TO SIN."
God wants each of us to be free of sin and the slavery it brings. That's why He sent Jesus. If you believe in Him and have accepted that He is the Son of God, let's pray...
Dear Father. I thank You for the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for me. A hefty price paid in blood to set me free from sin's slavery. I repent and break free from the yoke of sin that satan wants me burdened with. Today, Lord, I say I am no longer a slave to sin for the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people (Titus 2:11). I receive that grace and say IJMN, Amen.
Good God, You are the Almighty. Nobody compares to You. Father, thank You for hearing my prayer for people that they come to a knowledge of You as You promised in Jeremiah 24:7. Thank You for giving people a desire for You. Thank You for whetting their appetites for more of You. Thank You for letting hearts clamor for You. Thank You for kindly pouring out Your Spirit on all mankind in accordance with Your word in Joel 2:28. Be glorified, Lord our Redeemer.
Now and forever more, IJMN, Amen.
From MFC - Good afternoon and Happy Tuesday. Took a quick break to give God some praise! I'm in my phone, please excuse my typos!
My new job doesn't allow for me to be live on Tuesdays and the last couple Fridays have been full with doctor visits.
I miss you all and hope to catch up real soon. Thank you for your prayers over me, my health and my family. May God return that kindness to you in your lives and prayer points.
God bless you for today's teaching @FFJ I want to meditate on it a bit more but this struck me...
When all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to him who put all things in subjection under him, that God may be all in all.
When we give ourselves over to the Lord, our bondage is our freedom. Praise God for sending the risen Savior to set the captives free!
Thank God for blessing us with another day of life. So many people are dealing with death and loss due to natural disasters, illness, suicide, war and gun violence. Thank God for the blessing of healing on this side. It is a renewal and an ongoing process because You know what er need before we even ask if it Father God. Thank you for tender mercies over the grieving in hospitals and at funerals today. Thank You for the Holy Spirit that intercedes for us when we can't give voice to our pain and concerns. The Bible tells us that You are close to the broken hearted so we trust in Your eternal love for comfort in difficult times.
God You are so good, so mighty, so excellent, so faithful. We give You all the honor and the praise in the precious name of Jesus AMEN!
Lord, I thank You for the ongoing spiritual revival at Asbury University. Father, bless the organizers. Bless those who have attended and will attend. I thank You for the move of the Holy Spirit in that place and that people are leaving there changed - filled to the brim with You.
Father, I pray for that move to spread all through the land. I pray for more people to believe in Jesus, receive a deposit of Your Holy Spirit and come to love You more.
We call for that move, right here on this platform as well as all around us. Let Your Spirit come down, oh Lord.
Isaiah 64:1 - Oh, that you would burst from the heavens and come down! How the mountains would quake in your presence! (NLT).
Come on down, God. We cry out for You, IJMN, Amen.
*From BI* - Lord, I lift up in prayer regions experiencing natural disasters including turkey and Syria. God of compassion, look upon the victims of natural disasters with mercy. Bring them comfort, Your transcending peace and meet their immediate needs for food, water and shelter. Lord I pray for Your help and presence for recovery and restoration for those trapped. May those of us untouched by this disaster be mindful of their needs and generous in our response.
Just like Jesus commanded the wind to be still, Lord I pray that You still the earth and shield Your children from any more earthquakes, tornadoes and flooding.
Lord I pray You protect and guide rescue workers. Keep them safe and lead them to those who need them the most. All these I ask in the precious name of Your son Jesus Christ Amen.
God, I lift up the needs of Your children before You. You who provide every good and perfect gift, are worthy of all the praise! Glory be to You Sovereign Lord.
Father, Your word instructs us to ask You for every need. Philippians 4:6 - Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Thanks be to You, Covenant-Keeping God. Personally, I've seen how even the most inconsequential desire can be of importance to You.
Faithful God, I thank You in advance for the provision You are making available for Your children. I thank You for how You will lead each of them to the goodies You have for them. And most especially the spiritual ones. That by Your grace, they shall have a deeper, richer relationship with You. That they shall hear You - their Shepherd - and not the voice of a stranger.
For Your word states, the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want (Psalm 23:1) and so I declare and hereby establish that Your children shall not want, IJMN, Amen.
Please put your own prayer requests to the side. I know they are pressing and hard to ignore, but during the next 25 minutes, it is our responsibility to pray for others and not ourselves.
God will not forget your needs just because you took a few minutes to focus on someone else's prayer point. You showing love to someone by praying for them will actually endear you to the Lord. He does great things for those He is pleased with.
We must first give to receive in the Kingdom of God. This requires great faith.
Put your faith to work right now, no matter how small it seems. Believe that as you take time to bless others with your prayers, your own needs will not go ignored by God Almighty.
Be selfless.
Intercede for someone in prayer.
*From AC* - Abba Adonia I worship and praise You because You are God alone, for there is no other (Isaiah 45:5). You are God the Almighty (Psalm 89:8) God the Creator (Nehemiah 9:6) The performer of miracles (Psalm 77:14) Whose nature is love (1 John 4:16) and our mighty rock and refuge (Psalm 62:7). Thank you for being the only constant in my life. To You be all the honour and glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Lord, I want to use this opportunity to thank You for Mommy L's bday! Thank You for the years You have blessed her with. God, I pray over her many more years of good health and Your joy. I call on You to make her latter years better than the former.
Take all the glory for her life and surround her with Your blessed wings. All for her good, Your glory and by Your grace, IJMN, Amen!
Almighty, thank You for all that You do in our lives. Thank You for keeping us from falling into the traps satan sets for us. Thank You for working things out for us. Mostly we don't even recognize most of what You do for us. Nevertheless, that doesn't stop You from working things out on our behalf.
Glory be to You, our God!
*From CMC* - good afternoon and God bless you all! I hope your week has started off blessed and filled with some positive energy.
Thanking God for what’s to come and what has transpired for me.
It’s so funny, I’m literally in the middle of writing a paper on slavery and religion. Wow
Glorious God, I thank You for the privilege of joining others to fellowship at Your feet.
Thank You for all of my fellow Peppers. Thank You for Your mercy and kindness upon each of them and their loved ones.
Thank You that You shield them and cover them in Your grace.
Thank You for loving each of them as only You could love them.
Praise be to You, oh Lord.
*From AC* - Good afternoon Peppers, I pray that your day has been a blessed one thus far. Thank you @FFJ for today's word. May God arm all of us here with His Holy Spirit strength to submit to Him alone, and break free from the spiritual slavery that hinders us. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Also, I wanted to thank everyone who prayed for me last week. The news from my medical appointment wasn't exactly what I had hoped but it provided clarification on what to do next and I did receive some good news, for which I give God all the glory and praise. Thank You, Lord!
Daniel 2:20 - ...Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his.
*From AC* - Thank You Abba for this day you have made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Thank You for seeing me through the hustle and bustle of yesterday and for Your peace I prayed for during the night. Thank You for being such a caring and loving Father, You bring me so much joy. In Jesus' Precious name, I pray. Amen
From BI - Thank You Lord for waking me up. Thank You Lord for creating me in Your image and giving me a chance at eternal life through Christ Jesus. I thank You my Abba Father for all You have done for me, all You are doing in my life and all You are yet to do. To You be all the glory, honour and adoration now and forever.