I've said this a couple times in fellowship - we can sometimes be tougher on ourselves than God is on us. It is so easy to only see the many things we didn't get right without acknowledging what we did well. We forget that our failures won't cause God to fail. We assume He expects our perfection ignoring the word in Psalm 103:14 which states, [f]or he knows how weak we are; he remembers we are only dust (NLT).
We chastise ourselves for every little mistake forgetting what the Lord said to Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9 - But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. Yes, God can use our very shortcomings and suffering to glorify Himself. Think of the many stories in the Bible that reveal the mistakes people made. People that God still helped when they cried out to Him for help and mercy. He used their bad choices to display His greatness.
The devil wants you to think that God is holding every mistake you ever made against you. That is simply not true. God loves you. He wants you to know that more than anything satan's lying voice will ever try to convince you of. And it doesn't matter who the enemy uses to speak that deceptive word to you. There is no mistake you've ever made that shocked Him. Yes, that choice you feel so guilty about...He already knows what you did. And He doesn't want you destroyed by guilt. He wants you to come right back to him with that sin and lay it at his feet, seeking forgiveness and the strategies that will prevent it in the future. He will offer you a new start. A chance to reset and go forward with him.
He actually forgets the sin He has forgiven you of (Isaiah 43:25). All because of His great grace. This is why Lamentations 3:22-23 proclaims, [t]he steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness (NRSV). That love and mercy aren't reserved for the perfect, they are reserved for the imperfect who are striving to reach a perfect God in heaven.
I pray you will remember that you, in all your sin, were so important to God that He sent Jesus to die and set the terms for your freedom from sin's consequences. He did that so that you can tap into His everlasting love and mercy. All waiting for you - the imperfect sinner - to access.
That said, please do not take from this message that you can settle into a sinful habit or lifestyle thinking God's mercy will always find you. That is not what a 'mistake' is. Romans 6:1-2 - What shall we say [to all this]? Should we continue in sin and practice sin as a habit so that [God’s gift of] grace may increase and overflow? Certainly not! How can we, the very ones who died to sin, continue to live in it any longer? (AMP). Never forget that the Israelites of old thought the same, worshiping idols and doing things God told them not to. He showed great mercy and patience for 390 years then Ezekiel told us that God's glory left the Temple and thus, the people (Ezekiel 10). He left them to the sins they'd chosen over Him.
God wants you to choose Him over the sin your flesh desires. When you do, He will help you through the slip ups. He will guide you around every temptation. He will strengthen you so that you no longer desire what imperfects but instead long for what perfects - Him.
God bless you.
To learn more, please read:
Father, I use this opportunity to come against every spirit of guilt or any other related spirit seeking to keep any of us in bondage.
Lord, Your word is clear that the lawful captive shall be set free. That freedom came on the cross. As we have given our lives to Christ and accepted that He is Your Son, we are the ones who enjoy the privilege of blood-bought freedom.
And so, I declare in accordance with Your word that we are free from the shackles of guilt. We walk in clean new garments because You dear God have clothed us in white raiments for Your glory. Thank You for doing this, Lord. Thank You for beautifying us. Thank You for restoring our strength like the eagle for Your word is clear - those who wait on You will receive strength.
We choose now to walk in this strength, knowing that when we repent for our sins, we receive Your promised forgiveness and purification.
Thank You for our freedom, God!
IJN, I pray and say, Amen.
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Glory be to God in the Highest! Thank You Lord for bringing us this far. We trust You to take us farther under the protection of Your wings. Hallelujah.
Father, I pray that this fellowship was pleasing to You and that it is remembered for good so that those who participated are blessed for their service honoring You.
In the name of our Savior, Jesus, I pray for grace that we will never forget how much You love and value us. That we will know to repent of our sins and always acess the grace You've poured out for us.
Thank You, Lord God, IJMN, I pray, Amen.
Ask God to help you remember that He has abundant grace available for you.
This is something we all forget and the devil uses our forgetful nature against us, planting seeds of distraction, guilt and other things that lead to backsliding.
Please pray to continue walking with God, remembering His blessed grace so you always seek it.
Matthew 7:6 -Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
Lord, we call out for leaders that honor and serve You. That they will not be like Jeroboam whose actions brought curses upon their people. Let our leaders - be they in the family, at work, in government, in all areas of authority - not be like those described in Isaiah 9:16 - Those who guide this people mislead them, and those who are guided are led astray.
This way, God, we won't experience Your anger but will instead be filled with Your peace, Your blessings and Your grace, IJMN, we pray, Amen.
From M22 - Abba Father I surrender and submit myself at your feet Father Lord help me. Let your will be done IjMN Amen
Glorious God! He who sits far above us all. Thank You for keeping Your loving eyes on us.
I want to use this opportunity to thank You for Praise & Pray and the people who take time from their schedule to participate. Lord, You speak to Your chosen and guide them with a kindness and grace that is inexplicable.
Thank You for using Praise & Pray as a way to teach us and strengthen us. We sometimes think we're dong these things for You but they are truly for our benefit.
Whether we praise or not - You remain the King of Kings. Whether we pray or not - You remain exalted.
As such, thank You for this chance to do both in honor of You. Thank You for the many other times You let us into Your presence for our benefit. Glory, glory and more glory belong to You now and always, IJMN, Amen.
From m22 - Father Lord I thank you for sis @FFJ . I pray that you will continue to increase her in supernatural wisdom, favour, knowledge and strength. I pray that you will continue to strengthen her in every area of her life. I pray that you will continue to bless her, her loved ones and everything that concerns her IJMN Amen
From M22 - Father Lord I thank you for my siblings. I pray that you will continue to guide and direct them in every decision and step they take. I pray that they will continue to obey you and move according to your will. I pray that you will continue to transform, prune, renew and strengthen them for your purpose and glory IJMN Amen
From M22 - I pray for everyone that has been waiting for God. For those that have struggled with rejection and disappointments. I pray that God touches your hearts to be sensitive to his timing and direction. I pray that he heals you in every area you are hurting. He sees your sleepless nights and cries. He will never leave more forsake you. I pray God strengthens you beyond your expectations. I pray that he increases you in Supernatural clarity and discernment to obey him and mober according to his will. I pray that you experience him more than ever IJMN Amen
From JIR - I pray for the homeless and the poor. Please bless them with libations, shelter, and the strength, love, comfort and peace to get out of whatever situation they may be in. Please bless them to seek You, call on You, pray to You, speak with You, and build a relationship with You, Lord. Please bless their faith, hope, belief, love and trust in You to strengthen. Please watch over them Lord and protect them from the elements and bless them with shelter. Please bless them to know that You care for them, You love them and that You are watching over them. IJMN. Amen.
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for the sick and recovering. I pray that your healing power permeates every part of their bodies. I pray that you use specialists, doctors, science, medicine and technology to work wonders in their bodies. I pray that you coordinate the eyes and hands of operating surgeons to carry out successful surgeries IjMN Amen
I put our destiny helpers before You. Meet their specific needs. Lord they serve You by assisting others. Bless all that belong to them and that concern them. Enable us to equally be destiny helpers planting seeds of Your goodness into the lives of others. All to Your glory and by Your mighty grace. IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Father Lord I pray that you put an end to the vicious vycles of war, famine and natural disasters. I pray that you help affected countries rebuild. I pray that you restore and provide for them in thousandfold. I pray that you touch the hearts and minds of the leaders and governments to do right by the citizens. Help them experience you more than ever. I pray that you provide them with everything they need to move forward IJMN Amen
Lord, the Presidential Election takes place on Tuesday, November 5th. Once again, we place the political sphere of this nation in Your hands, knowing that You alone are in control and know what is best for us.
Thank You Father for bringing us this far. Thank You for keeping people safe in this tense climate.
Lord, protect poll workers across the country. Father, keep polling places safe as well as the citizens who will be present in them.
Dear God, we speak the word of God when we say that the plans of the devil for the elections and the future of this nation are destroyed. We call down on the fire of God to burn everything exalted to satan's purposes for this nation.
The purpose and plan of the Lord for these United States shall surely be fulfilled for He is the Sovereign Lord, who created the earth, the seas, the heaven and all that is within them. Lord, Your dominion is forever, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Father Lord I pray for children across the world. I pray that you continue to strengthen them in meekness and humility. I pray that you will continue to help them grow in faith and maturity. I pray that you will remove every negative influences in their lives and surround them with wonderful people that will draw them closer to you and help them experience you. IJMN Amen
From JIR - Please Lord bless @FFJ exceedingly and abundantly for her obedience to You. Please bless her and her family with joy, gladness, and good health all the days of their lives. Please bless @FFJ and the P&P community to continue to flourish more and more each day. Please bless and touch the hearts of all who are lurking or coming to fellowship to receive and be touched by the messages and lessons conveyed through the Holy Spirit. Please bless us all to draw closer to You and prioritize and exalt You above all things more and more each day. IJMN. Amen.
From M22 - Father Lord I thank you for this wonderful Family of Christ. Thank you for seeing us through since the start of 2024. Thank you Father for being our anchor through the good and tough days. Thank you Lord for shelter, food, utilities, provisions and protection. We thank you for the small things and the big things. We thank you for being our Loving Father and the privilege to experience you every single day. We thank you Mighty Father. IJMN Amen
From JIR - Please Lord look over all widows and orphans. Please take them under Your wings and shield them from those looking to take advantage of them. Please bless them to make You their refuge and fortress. Please turn their mourning and sorrow into joy and gladness. Please bless them with the strength and courage to keep pushing through and bless them with the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Please touch their hearts Lord to turn to You and rely on You for strength and guidance. IJMN. Amen.
From JIR - Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: and he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: he revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.”
Daniel 2:20-22 KJV
With the election around the corner, I pray for God fearing world leaders. I pray for them to pray, seek Your face, humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways. I pray for them to seek Your council and depend on You and rely on You for all things. I pray that they carry out Your will and they are just and merciful in their ways. Your will be done no matter what, Lord. IJMN. Amen.