A Time to feast with praise - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) October 6, 2020
This is a week of Praise and Worship.
Why do I say this? Well, I like to pay attention to the Hebraic calendar, after all, it's the calendar Jesus lived by. He, like His fellow Jews at that time, celebrated certain festivals in accordance to their calendar. These included Passover and Pentecost.
One such festival was the Feast of Tabernacles. It was a time to literally 'feast' but not just on earthly food and drink, it was also a time to be filled with gratitude for the Lord. A season to praise Him for bringing them through the tough times.
This year, the Feast of Tabernacles began on October 2nd and ends on October 9th. As such, I've been taking a little extra time out of my day to tell the Lord 'Thank You!' for all He's done for me and mine. I like to dance during my worship time, so 90% of the time, I've got fast-paced praise music that I can shake my body to. Then, I speak out loud the many mercies I've been blessed to receive and tell the Lord thanks again.
I've also used this period to pray for the needs of others as the word of God commands us to pray for the children of God.
Now that I think about it, I've just been doing a modified Praise & Pray each day.
All of that said, I want to invite you to Praise and Pray (for others) with me today and the rest of the week. Today's fellowship is an hour long but you can have your own P&P session for however long these next few days. Let's just remember to honor the Lord for He has gotten us through so much. There are challenges we aren't even aware of that He saved us from.
See you at Noon!