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Can you just praise? - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) June 21, 2022

We often start Praise & Pray with a message. Usually, it takes about 3 minutes to read and at the end, there's a prayer or some highlighted warning for all to consider.

Today, we're going to do things very differently. There will be no blocks of text. No, today, we'll do things much more simply.

There will be one basic instruction: Give God praise!

That's it. That's the deep message.

You see, if you can't praise the Lord, you will be limited from enjoying the abundant life He sent Jesus to bring for everyone (John 10:10). Failing to praise God also excludes you from being an effective intercessor. Many of us are looking to receive blessings from God and yet, we don't make time every day to give Him His due praise. Instead, we complain about all the things we don't have and look with envy at others who seem to have it all.

Turn off the TV. Shut off your computer. Put your phone down. Praise God for who He is. Sing a song to His glory. Bow down on the ground and worship Him.

Then get ready to do it again at P&P at 12 Noon EST with other believers, right here. Also, come ready to pray for people in need. I pray you will sincerely exalt God right now and return to do so in fellowship with others later. God bless you!

If you need to understand more about the importance of praise in the life of a believer, I've compiled a list of posts here - Topic: Praise.

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