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Don't Slander or Blaspheme God - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) February 28, 2023

Writer's picture: P L U N D E R E RP L U N D E R E R

We've previously considered how much God hates liars and those who give false testimony about other people. God detests when we lie and say untrue things about others. However, have you ever thought about how you communicate about God? Are there ideas you have about Him or statements you've made about Him that aren't true?

These questions become important when we consider the following scripture:

Hosea 7:13 - Woe to them, because they have strayed from me! Destruction to them, because they have rebelled against me! I long to redeem them but they speak about me falsely.

Here, God speaks of those who have turned from Him and His desire to save them from the consequences of their choice. Unfortunately, the fact that such people speak falsely about Him has prevented Him from helping them. And this is why it is crucial to be aware of the things we communicate about the Lord - that we don't speak or even think about Him falsely, whereby those thoughts and words act as a barrier to receiving the help we need from Him. There are many ways that we humans speak falsely about God. However, the origin of those expressions stem from satan for it is a liar for whom lies are its native language (John 8:44). The devil is an expert in whispering seemingly intelligent ideas that serve to erode a person's understanding of God's true character. For instance, they may eventually not believe that God can help them in times of trouble. As a result, the person runs from pillar to post trying to solve their own problems, forgetting that God is the master problem solver. Once that seed is planted - that God is incapable, for example - many start to speak in a way that makes God and His promises appear untrue. People communicate those ideas in their conversations with friends in person. People also publish statements fueled by such ideas in social media discussions. They even blaspheme, expressing their disregard for God, by inserting God's name into their foul language, which violates Exodus 22:28 - “Do not blaspheme God or curse the ruler of your people. Nevertheless, we must praise the Lord, for His mercy extends to all who have spoken falsely about Him. This is because Jesus said so in Mark 3:28 - Truly I tell you, the sons of men will be forgiven all sins and blasphemies, as many as they utter. As such, once we take steps to confess and repent for speaking falsely about the Lord, we can freely receive God's promised forgiveness and begin the process of becoming people who no longer sin that way. Have you spoken of God falsely? Have you put His power, kindness or love in question when speaking of Him? How about in your thoughts about Him? None of us is perfect, and undoubtedly, at some point in time, we've made such an error. Even if it was simply blaspheming His name by the choice of coarse language we uttered along the way.

Regardless of this sin, we each need His help and the way to gain that is to repent. So, why don't we seek God's forgiveness on this issue? Heavenly Father, I confess I have said and/or thought things about You that question Your character and thus present You in a false light. Please forgive me. Thank You for Your grace and mercy, which allow me to not only recognize the error of my ways but also repent and receive Your forgiveness. From today, I seek and request Your grace to not repeat this error. All glory belongs to You, IJMN, Amen. God bless you and see you at fellowship at Noon EST today.

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