Empty Words - Friday Praise & Pray (for others) April 12, 2024
Have you ever met a person who said a whole lot...of nothing? They might seem to speak very eloquently and string many nice-sounding words together, but once you take the time to process what was said, you realize that they didn't say anything of value. It will become clear that everything they said was meaningless.
We all should watch out for such people because the reality is that they exist in large numbers. Some of them are this way because they love to hear their voice. Others just overspeak because they are anxious. And then some fill the space around them with lots of words in an attempt to manipulate people. Their words are meant to sway Christians, in particular, away from the truth of God's word and all that Christ died to achieve. Christians are warned to be wary of these types in Ephesians 5:6 - Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient.
Empty words. Words that are devoid of true meaning. Yet, they will sound deep and intelligent to those who do not know their God. The Word warns in Daniel 11:32, that people who do not live according to God's instructions will be deceived with flattering words. These deceivers will say exactly what certain people want to hear, feeding their ego, and satisfying their ungodly curiosity. Unfortunately, it is what their itching ears want to hear (2 Timothy 4:3).
God has given the antidote to such deceivers who wield empty words as their weapons of choice - the content in the Bible. The more God's children study His Word, the more they not only become familiar with what He has said but they also recognize the very cadence of His voice. That way, when satan speaks, they can easily dismiss the voice of the stranger because it sounds nothing like that of their Shepherd (John 10:27).
Merely reading the Bible the way people read other tomes will not do. The Bible is a spiritual book and requires a spiritual lens. That lens only comes as we receive the Spirit of God and submit to His direction. And to receive the Holy Spirit, each person must believe in Jesus and acknowledge Him as their Lord and Savior. By becoming born again, people gain access to the deep spiritual knowledge that is needed to live a life of victory over the devil and its plans to steal, kill, and destroy per John 10:10.
We can't afford to think we can take the need to know God's word lightly. Jesus Himself stated in Mark 12:24 - ...Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God? By God's grace, we shall not be in error. And as we study the Bible, the Lord will open our minds so we can understand the Scriptures (Luke 24:45). Every part of our body will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord which will counter the empty words of the deceivers satan is using to lead even the well-intentioned away from God and His purpose for their lives.
Let us be ever mindful of Micah 2:11 - If a liar and deceiver comes and says, ‘I will prophesy for you plenty of wine and beer,’ that would be just the prophet for this people! That shall never be our portion in Jesus' mighty Name, Amen.
See you at Noon EST for fellowship.