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Exploring the Role of the Five-Fold Ministry in the Christian Faith: How Do You Fit In? - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) February 13, 2024

The administrative work of every government is carried out by ministries which are staffed to the brim with individuals. For instance, we have the Department of Education in the United States. This ministry's objective is to ensure that Americans receive an education that meets certain outlined metrics.

The Kingdom of God on earth is no different in that it also has ministries. These were established by Jesus Christ to ensure the sound administration of God's work. Ephesians 4:11-13 provides even more details, saying, So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Apostles travel from place to place planting churches and organizing them. Because of the Spirit of the Lord in believers, almost anyone can prophesy and should seek this gift according to 1 Corinthians 14:1. However, some people are singled out by the Lord to hold the office of prophet and these ones receive God's word about what is to come to steer His people aright. God uses evangelists to speak to non-believers, sharing the good news of Christ and the grace provided through His sacrifice. Pastors act as shepherds who feed and water God's flock so they grow in Christ with sound scriptural knowledge. And, last but never least, are the teachers who receive deep insights about God's word and share them with His people so believers learn and are strengthened spiritually.

This is the five-fold ministry God has established for the edification of His people and the expansion of His kingdom on earth. This structure took the early church from a small group to what is now known as the Body of Christ today. It played a significant role in why you are reading this message today and will continue to impact the lives of people until God establishes His New Earth and New Heaven (2 Peter 3:13).

And the question we each must answer is this - do you know which one of these ministries you belong to? We each need to figure out where we fit into the administration of God's kingdom on earth. Has God called you to share the story of Christ with those who have either never heard it or who turned away from the good news? Has God called you to the office of prophet, giving you words of wisdom and knowledge about a person or situation's past and future? Do you have a special grace to hold the hand of your fellow believer and speak God's word over them in their good and bad times? Or are you the one who receives God's deep insight into His word and shares it with your loved ones?

If you believe in Christ and are allowing Him to guide your life (no matter how difficult that might seem), then you need to ask God how to play a role in His kingdom while you walk the earth. No position is too small, and indeed, starting small is one way God does things with His servants. Remember the story of Phillip in Holy Spirit is the Secret Sauce? He started as a food server at the church in Jerusalem, then he became an evangelist whom God miraculously transported from one location to another (Acts 8:39). Further readings of the New Testament reveal he continued to rise in God's Kingdom, becoming a well-respected man of God who was blessed with four daughters who also prophesied (Acts 21:8-9). Philip kept walking with God, and the Lord continued to advance Him from one position to another.

Every believer has a role to play and needs to know what ministry they belong to. This is how the Lord has determined that His people will grow from one level to another, glorifying Him and doing His works here on the earth. Therefore, if you don't know where you fit in, be sure to come back for fellowship as we will worship and intercede before praying during the last 10 minutes for the Lord's light so we learn how we are to best serve Him. And if you know already, praise the Lord! Be sure to return anyway so we can pray for those who need to know their calling.

God bless you.

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When Jesus died on the cross, He did so for everyone. This included the people who didn't believe He was the Son of God. The people who jeered at him as he died in agony on the cross were no exception. Same with those who hated him and conspired to have him killed. Even the ones who believed He was the Savior but fell into sin. An example of this is Simon Peter (Cephas) who denied knowing Christ three times just as Jesus prophesied he would.

Jesus Christ didn't just die for the people in that era. He died for all sinners for all time. And why was He willing to die on the cross for everyone? Because…

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