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Find Out What Pleases The Lord - Friday Praise & Pray (for others) February 23, 2024

Writer's picture: P L U N D E R E RP L U N D E R E R

Many of us think of the Lord and immediately focus on what He can do for us. This is why we typically focus on our personal needs when praying. This isn't bad, per se, because we are told to ask so that we may receive in Matthew 7:7. Also, we are instructed in Philippians 4:6 - Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done (NLT). As Christians, we are therefore accustomed to taking our concerns to the Lord and focusing on them alone.

And so it is easy for us to ignore Ephesians 5:10 which states, "find out what pleases the Lord." How many of us have taken the time to seek God's face to know what pleases Him? And if we have, how many of us have actively put those things into effect on a regular basis to please our King? And if you still aren't convinced, consider Ephesians 5:17 - Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. If we consider ourselves to be Christians who believe in God, then we have a responsibility to find out what makes Him smile and understand what He wants.

Now, ask yourself the following: what do I currently do that pleases God? What can I do to make Him happy?

All Cornelius did was give generously to the poor and pray regularly (Acts 10:2). Those steps were enough to please the Lord. If you are a regular participant in this gathering then you know that giving God praise honors Him and it is His will for those of us who believe (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Same with saying prayers of intercession for others. Then, there is the studying of God's word in the Bible and applying its wisdom each day (Psalm 1:1-2). Psalms 33:5 tells us that our Lord loves it when we are righteous and act justly towards all. Putting our faith to work also pleases our Heavenly Father. Lazarus's sister, Mary, pleased the Savior by taking the time to sit at His feet and learn instead of busying herself with other things (Luke 10). Jesus also told us that we should forgive others when they offend us.

These are just some fundamental things that please God but there are many more. God has made these accommodations available so that everyone has multiple ways to make Him smile. And the more we do so, the more we please Him, The more we please Him, the more our prayers are answered and we witness His miraculous power around us. And as we grow in such grace, we become like King David, a man whom God said pleased Him. So much so, that despite all of David's errors, he was the king of Israel that the Lord held up to every successor as the example to follow.

God bless you.

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