God's Best is for His Children - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) January 3, 2023
The Lord has chosen to show goodness to both the righteous and the wicked (Matthew 5:45). Yet, God reserves His best for His children. Sure He made everyone and you might ask, aren't we all His children? Alas, the answer is no.
God's children are those who hear and obey Him. In Jeremiah 7:23, He specified that all who obey His voice belong to Him. And for these ones, the best of the best awaits. He also said in Isaiah 1:19-20 - If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.” For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.
Those who are obedient, patient, willing, fear the Lord and are righteous shall experience the good of the land. Notice that the reward for His obedient children isn't only stored up for them in heaven. The obedient will live well right here on earth enjoying the fullness of life promised in John 10:10. This promise, however, is not for the rebellious. Therefore, believers are encouraged to submit to the Lord and live a life that pleases Him. This requires studying the Word so as to not end up being rebellious for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). It also requires that we take what we learn in the Bible and apply it in our lives. One day at a time.
Praise God for Jesus who acts as our Advocate, interceding for us when we repent for falling short (Romans 8:36). Thank God as well for the Holy Spirit who serves as the voice of God directing us on where and where not to go (John 16:13). They work together with the grace of God so we mere humans are not consumed by the devil and its evil schemes to keep us from the benefits of sonship here and in heaven.
If you are wondering what God's best involves, that is the wrong question. With God, all things are possible, therefore, there is no limit to what God's best means. For the Shunamite woman, it was a son and therefore an estate (II Kings 4). For the leper who returned to give thanks in Luke 17, it was complete healing. For David, it was a never-ending dynasty and much more (2 Samuel 7:16). For Abraham it was the status as God's friend, a life of wealth and more (James 2:23, Genesis 13:2). For Elisha, it was a double portion of anointing and power (II Kings 2:9). His dead bones caused a man to resurrect (II Kings 13:21). For Jesus, it was the privilege of standing at the right hand of God Himself (Romans 8:34). And for each of us, God has promised more than we could ever ask or imagine. Contentment. Good Health. Success at everything we touch. Peace of mind. Rest round about. Long life. Favor and wisdom that makes us more important than the most important people. The list could go on and on, but be very clear - God's best goes beyond what money or influence could ever afford.
In this new year, we need to be clear about our priorities and they should point toward the Lord. How do we live in a way whereby God considers us His children? How do we choose Him, His purpose and plans for us, so that we walk in alignment? What simple thing do we need to do in order to remain focused on and faithful Him? Let us each be careful not to pay lip service, claiming to be His children while failing to obey His instructions. Then, we would become liars. That is not something we want since God detests and destroys liars (Psalm 5:6). We want God's best and not His wrath.
May we each make the choice to become and remain God's sons and daughters so that we may enjoy His best in the land of the living and in our eternal home - heaven, IJMN Amen.
Ecclesiastes 12:13 - Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.