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Forgiveness - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) December 29, 2020

Writer's picture: P L U N D E R E RP L U N D E R E R

Consider the following Bible verses -

  1. Matthew 6:14 - For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

  2. James 2:13 - because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

  3. Proverbs 19:11 - A person's wisdom yields patience; it is to one's glory to overlook an offense.

What do thee all have in common? Forgiveness.

As we step into a new calendar year, it is time for us to focus on the grace of forgiveness and the need to live a life unburdened by the offense of others.

I bet if I asked you to write a list of mean things others had done to you, the list would be comprehensive. Trust me, if I started writing one, it would take a while to compile an accurate accounting of the maltreatment I'd suffered at the hands of others. They include family members, 'friends', and complete strangers.

Oftentimes, we don't realize how deeply these offenses have burrowed into our marrow and how they color our behavior. They cloud our judgment, making us biased and jaded.

However, as children of God, we are to let go of what other have done to us and extend the same grace we receive. The reason for this is because if we fail to, then we no longer qualify for God's mighty mercy upon us. Also, as children submitted to their Heavenly Father, we must trust that despite what anyone has done, all things are working out for our good because God says so in Romans 8:28.

Besides, Psalm 103:10 states he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. If the Lord can be so kind and forgiving to us, shouldn't we extend such grace to others? I don't know about you, but I can't exist without that kind of mercy because I'm far from perfect and don't want to fall out of the Lord's favor.

The dawn of 2021 presents an opportunity to free ourselves from what others have done to us. Not for their sake, but for the sake of our eternal souls. Let us wash clean of the hurt, betrayal, slander, violations, and other bad things the foolish and wicked have done.

Yes, it's tough to let go of what they did and no, I'm not telling you to forget and blindly place yourself in the same position to be hurt again. After all, the Bible warns us to be shrewd (Matthew 10:16). Yet, I am telling you to let go and let God handle the matter. He is your avenger. The just God who sees all so you don't have to. He'll handle what needs to be taken care of if you step out of His way and let Him be God over even this aspect of your life.

I pray that today's Praise & Pray, the last one of the year 2020, will be an opportunity to meditate on Forgiveness and actually let go of everything that has hurt us as we praise God and pray for others in agreement. We shall walk toward increased spiritual development and maturity despite what has been done to or not done for us. All because we know our God is in control and we can submit everything to His loving care.

God bless you!

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