Join The Praise Tribe - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) November 3, 2020
Today is a fortuitous day - November 3rd. It's the first Tuesday of the month of November and it just so happens to be the official day of elections here in the United States.
If you are American and eligible to vote, you likely have done so already given the news that the early voting numbers have been significantly higher than in the past. We can debate why that is but frankly, we're not here for the politics of man.
Today is a fortuitous day because we are here for the praise of God Almighty! Today's Praise & Pray will give us an opportunity to glorify God for our different personal reasons, to pray for our nation (whether you are from the US or not) and cover others by acting as intercessors.
I'm learning that our well-defined political leanings are neither here nor there with God. Being conservative, liberal, or independent - these are simply reflections of how we humans have chosen to group ourselves. God is above all these classifications and we can't forget this.
He is the Creator and indeed, we are told that As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9).
As such, let us ignore our political tribes for an hour today and just place ourselves at the feet of the Head of the only tribe that matters - the Household of God (Ephesians 2:19). From 12 noon to 1pm EST let's turn away from the news and events of the day and focus on the Lord. It will be a worthy sacrifice.