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My Water Baptism Testimony - Friday Praise & Pray (for others) January 26, 2024

Updated: Feb 2

I first gave my life to Christ at the age of eight at a neighbor's place. There was something about hearing how Jesus died for my sins that compelled me to become born again on the spot. Sadly, I didn't know what I was doing and with little guidance (the person who'd led me to Christ went back to school), I returned to living for myself and not the Savior. Nevertheless, God was gracious, walking with me, and keeping the worst of things from coming to pass.

Eventually, something terrible happened and I knew I needed a deeper connection with God. With the prayers and advice of friends, I turned my attention fully to God and it was like we'd never parted ways. He did miraculous things and I haven't looked back since. I regularly heard from the Lord, felt the presence of His Spirit, and was strengthened as a believer.

Although my walk with the Lord remained steady, I noticed a few recurring issues. And I wasn't alone. Even the people I ministered to displayed challenges that made me wonder how believers in Christ, who are born again and strive to obey God could still face certain attacks and dominions from the devil.

The Lord kindly pointed me to John 3:5;7 - Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit...You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ A light bulb flicked on in my mind and I knew it wasn't enough to only be born-again without having been baptized in water. My baptism in the Spirit was essential but there was an element I couldn't overlook.

Further study of the Word was encouraging as it revealed that Jesus's ministry didn't truly start until He was baptized in the water by John the Baptist. At the time, John didn't think it was appropriate to baptize the Son of God. However, Jesus said His baptism was needed to fulfill all righteousness (Matthew 3:15). And there, in the River Jordan, God publicly acknowledged Him, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased" (Matthew 3:17).

Then I listened to a minister teach that many Christians deal with recurring defeats at the hand of satan because they hadn't completed the instruction Jesus gave to be baptized in the Spirit and in water. This made me more determined to get dunked to God's glory. Plus, in the early church, it was common for new Christians to believe and immediately be baptized in water. The experience of Paul and Silas's jailer in Acts 16 is an example as is that of the Ethiopian Eunuch whom Philip evangelized to in Acts 8.

I also understood that just as Pharaoh and his army couldn't follow the freed Israelites through the Red Sea, so also would the army of my enemy be unable to rise from the baptismal waters after I arise anew. That became my prayer - that I'd step into the Red Sea and the proverbial 'Egyptians' would drown behind me. I committed to obey Jesus's instruction in John 3 and similarly be water-baptized to fulfill all righteousness. That, like Christ, I'd step into a new dimension of faith and journeying with the Lord.

The results were more than I bargained for. As my toes touched the baptismal waters, joy washed over me and I giggled like a toddler. I arose and things were different. My mind was clearer, my mouth tasted different (not because I swallowed the water) and my joy increased.

In my opinion, my water baptism was the start of a closer relationship with God. Granted I also noticed the devil attack more consistently but God helped me see the patterns so I am not overwhelmed. I am learning that this is another role that the Holy Spirit plays: providing a magnifying glass to see the attacks satan intends to have a cumulative and destructive impact upon me. Honestly, I wish I'd taken this step years earlier but I am grateful I was able to honor Christ's instruction in John 3:5.

Are you a born-again believer who is unsure about getting water-baptized? I pray my experience will speak to whatever question or concern you've been struggling with on the issue. Are you a believer who has received the Holy Spirit and has also been through a water baptism? If so, please share your experience and the reasons why you chose to be born both in the Spirit and in the water. Finally, if you are yet to give your life to Christ and become a born-again believer, I encourage you to read the post that follows this. It contains useful information explaining why you should make this choice.

The Lord told me to share my water baptism testimony and so here it is. May the Lord's grace rest upon all of us who read this message and I pray that each of us will fully submit and obey Him. IJMN, Amen.

To learn more, please read:

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