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Our Godly Inheritance: The Prodigal Son - Friday Praise & Pray (for others) June 28, 2024

Updated: Jul 18

We continue to learn about our godly inheritance as believers. We have learned that righteous living preserves our inheritance. We have also learned that we need God's direction to avoid losing part or all of our inheritance through satan's lies.

Today, we look at another character in the Bible who dealt with an inheritance. Unfortunately, he squandered what he received through ungodly living. The Prodigal Son was the youngest son of a wealthy man. Although his father was still living, he demanded to receive his inheritance. The father obliged him and gave what was requested.

Not long after, the youngest son packed up his belongings and his part of his father's estate. He "set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living" (Luke 15:13). We can only imagine what exactly he did with his inheritance as the Bible does not provide much description. Our modern sensibilities would suggest that the young man spent his newly acquired wealth on alcohol, women, drugs, and fast cars.

Alas, a famine came upon the land he was in and he worked at a pig farm. He was so hungry that he had to eat pig slop to survive. Imagine having so much money whereby you could live 'large' only to end up so broke you have to eat food that's meant for pigs?

The Bible teaches in Proverbs 20:21 - An inheritance claimed too soon will not be blessed at the end. This is exactly why God will sometimes hold back certain aspects of our inheritance from us. He does it so we don't end up like the Prodigal Son who lost it all with wild living.

The Lord wants each of his children to be mature enough to use the blessings He gives in a responsible way. He wants His people to take each gift that is a part of their godly inheritance and leverage it so that it grows into something they can continue to reap. The Prodigal Son didn't do that. Instead, he squandered what he had with the sort of lifestyle that implies his father's wealth was used on things that please satan but not God.

And that is another reason why God will sometimes keep His blessings from His children - so that they don't put them into the hands of satan. God wants the blessings He gives to His children to glorify Him and not the devil. God does not and will not allow His gifts to be used for satan's purpose. So, if you have a desire that doesn't align with His word and plan - a detestable prayer - do not expect God to move for you on that issue. And if you see people using their 'blessings' for unrighteous things, be rest assured that this is not God's will, and don't desire to do the same.

May we not squander our godly inheritance on wild living or in any other way. May we not demand our blessings ahead of God's appointed time. May we wait on the Lord to unveil the many parts of our godly inheritance as He deems us mature enough to use them for His glory alone, IJMN, Amen. Let us praise the Lord that the story of the Prodigal Son ended well. Recognizing he'd erred, he went home and pleaded to serve his father because he knew that the servants in his father's house didn't have to eat pig food to survive. His father graciously welcomed him back and restored him to his rightful position as a son of the house and not a mere servant.

If you are a prodigal then today is the day to return to your heavenly father, repentant and willing to accept whatever He has for you. The Lord is good and gracious. By His grace and loving-kindness, you will be received with open arms as the Prodigal Son was, IJMN, Amen.

See you at Noon EST for fellowship.

To read the Godly Inheritance Series, please see:

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At each Praise & Pray (for others) gathering, I invite participants to give their lives to Christ and accept Him into their hearts as their Lord and Savior.

Today, I'd like to share the following scripture -

1 Timothy 1:15-16 - This is a true saying, to be completely accepted and believed: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. I am the worst of them, but God was merciful to me in order that Christ Jesus might show his full patience in dealing with me, the worst of sinners, as an example for all those who would later believe in him and receive eternal life (GNT).

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