Praise Silences The Enemy - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) September 14, 2021
Praise shuts the mouth of the enemy. That enemy, satan, is constantly accusing us before the Lord.
Let's look at Job's story. The Bible tells us satan came into God's presence because it was looking for someone to mess with. When Job became the choice target, satan told God that Job was only faithful because God had blessed him. Notice, satan had to go before the Lord before it could attack Job?
Now back to Job, we are told in Job 1:20, that upon hearing all the problems that had befallen him, he worshipped.
Then there was King Jehoshaphat, who called on the Lord for help in the face of an enemy's attack. After praying, the Lord spoke to the people via a prophet and told them to go to war as He'd won the battle for them.
King Jehoshaphat said in 2 Chronicles 20:20 - ... “Listen to me, Judah and people of Jerusalem! Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.” Then he and his soldiers sang songs of praise all the way to the battlefield, only to arrive there and find the enemy army dead.
Both Job & Jehoshaphat show us the importance of praise as a weapon against the adversary.In Job's case, despite his praise, he still had to endure some more suffering. However, in the end, all he'd lost was restored double leaving satan in shame.
With Jehoshaphat, praise led to a resounding and miraculous victory that resulted in three full days of plunder and more thanksgiving to God. Both examples remind us to never forget the importance of praise and how it destabilizes and destroys the enemy.
As children of God, it is our job to let God fight for us and when we praise Him, satan's accusations before the Lord fall on deaf ears. God can't ignore us when our praise rises as a sweet-smelling incense. Indeed, He sends help and straightens any issues serving to harass us. Let us therefore, keep praises on our lips for the God who rescues us from the devil's evil plans.
May the Lord restore the joy of your salvation and give us hearts from Him. Hearts that pang to glorify His name through our lips and deeds. Glory to God in the highest! Amen!
Join us at 12 Noon EST as we fellowship together in Praise & Pray (for others). We will rejoice in the Lord, then petition for others. However, when we pray together, we'll do so with a posture of praise. As such if praying for your friend Sade to pass an exam, then you'd write, "God thank You for helping Sade pass her exams." Just start your petition by injecting praise first.
See you later and God bless!