Repent, Return & be Restored - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) December 24, 2024
Human beings are expert sinners. Each has fallen short of giving God the glory that He deserves (Romans 3:23). You may have gotten angry instead of heeding James 1:19-20 - My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. Maybe you often forget to treat others as you desire to be treated and thereby fail to observe Christ's Royal Law. Or, you submitted to fear, forgetting that fear is rebellion according to the word of God.
Then, there are the sinful desires keeping you from being the child of God you would have liked to be this year. What challenges in behavior and thoughts have held you back? The end of the year is an opportune time to take stock of the changes needed to overcome the sins that cause you regret. Think about what you have repeatedly repented for? That thing that you know you shouldn't do but somehow or another, you end up doing it. The behavioral and thought patterns that make you just like Apostle Paul when he admitted, "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do" (Romans 7:15).
Perhaps you aren't like the Apostle at all. You have instead chosen to live a life of sin, doing things that God despises. Were you a believer who previously observed God's laws but have decided to fornicate, lie and steal, for instance? Maybe you determined that God does not see what you are up to and even if He does, He won't react. Or, you have chosen to go the way of the occult to fast-track the fulfillment of your desires, opting for New Age rituals and observations. Thereby ignoring what God said of and did to those who claimed to serve Him while bowing to the Queen of Heaven, Baal, the Asherah poles, and sacrificing to Molech (which are all just different forms of 'packaging' for satanism) who were destroyed. Have you convinced yourself that the mixture of serving the devil does not bother the Lord God Almighty?
Whichever of these categories you fall into, the Lord has a simple message - repent. Let go of the things that God hates so that you please Him. Then, return to the Almighty in humility, knowing that carnality leads to an eternity in hell. Carnality meaning that you are solely focused on this plane of existence, ignoring that this earth is not your home or final destination. No, with death does not come sleep. Death brings two options - heaven or hell - and we choose the final destination by how we live now. God desires to show grace and mercy upon all. He knows that a righteous life is difficult and sent Jesus Christ so all can be forgiven and reach Heaven. Through His Son, individuals are cleansed to start anew, free from guilt, condemnation and shame.
God isn't calling you to repent and return to Him for nothing. Those who do so enjoy His blessings - true blessings that come with no toil attached (Proverbs 10:22). For those who would repent and return, He has committed to save them from their enemies, bring them into the fullness of life and much more. Plus, consider the promise contained in Acts 3:19 - Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord. There is the added bonus of being restored. Where things were lackluster, beauty arrives and where things were lacking, abundance becomes the norm. The gaping hole of emptiness and dissatisfaction are replaced by a joy that sustains you even in the tough times because that joy comes from the Lord and nothing else in this world can provide it.
I pray that you will review your 2024 and want something different for your 2025. I pray you will realize the need to repent from sin, return to God fully, and receive the restoration that the times of refreshing will bring. Regardless of how long you have walked with God, this message is for you. Be honest with yourself, something needs to change in your life. Do not be stiff-necked or stubborn. Therefore, ask God to reveal what sin is acting as a roadblock. Once you've prayed and received understanding, don't make excuses, just tell God sorry. Call on Jesus for help to fully repent and receive strategy on how to live better. The Lord will never steer you wrong so let Him steer you right.
Join us at Noon EST for today's Praise & Pray (for others) fellowship, where we'll obey the Lord by giving Him our worship and caring for the needs of others via intercession. If you are yet to give your life Christ, please read the post that follows this one. God bless you and have a Merry Christmas.
To learn more, please read these old P&P posts:
Give Your Life To Christ and be washed clean of all sin.
Jesus wants a relationship with you. He died for you so you could live a blessed life on earth and receive the great blessing of living in eternity with the Lord. He did this because we human beings are sinners and our sin creates a barrier in our ability to step into God's presence. God cannot abide iniquity because He is holy and so as human beings sin and sin and sin, the distance between themselves and the Lord grows larger.
But not if you become a friend of Jesus. Those who choose to become His friend receive a deposit of God's Holy Spirit who helps…