Satan's Lies & Rebellion - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) July 26, 2022
Many of us think Eve committed the first sin by eating of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. However, the original sin happened before that. The first sin was pride, committed by an angel who wanted to be greater than God (Isaiah 14:13-14). That angel was Lucifer and he sparked rebellion among God's angels. Nowadays, Lucifer is called 'satan' because he lost his angelic position and name. Just as he deceived angels into challenging the Lord's authority, he remains a destroyer, enticing people to rebel against God. He does this mainly by crafting believable lies. These untruths stoke an individual's insecurity, encouraging them to break covenant with the Lord.
But, how exactly does satan get people to rebel? A common way is through the lack of knowledge of God's word. In fact, the Lord states in Hosea 4:6 - my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge... Satan takes great advantage of this. And it is especially successful because satan makes sure many don't study and can't remember most of the instructions in the Bible.
Although the average person knows they shouldn't lie, how many of us know how much God detests lying? Most don't consider lying a big deal. Many don't realize being deceptive is a sin. After all, we've been conditioned to expect lies and actually look down on those who can't do so successfully. In fact, the truth often seems to be more trouble than it's worth as it is believed a little white lie solves many problems. Yet, God is very clear that He destroys liars (Psalm 5:6). The Lord also warns about lying against others in Psalm 101:5 - Whoever slanders their neighbor in secret, I will put to silence... However, satan - the father of lies - will craft the perfect conditions to force people to lie and slander so they rebel against God's instruction.
The Lord warns against sorcery, witchcraft, casting spells, consulting a medium/spiritist and the dead in Deuteronomy 18:10-11. Yet, all of us know of at least one person who does one or more of these. In fact, we might not need to look past ourselves. Besides, psychics, horoscopes, tarot readers and crystals for spells are readily accessible. To one person, the 'magic arts' are a source of peace while to another, a source of power (depending on the psychology of the end user). And suddenly, a believer who loves God unknowingly ends up living a life in rebellion to His instruction because they've bought into the well-marketed lie that they need horoscope, spells, manifesting or crystals to make life better.
How many of us realize the use of foul language and gossiping run afoul of God's commandments? Colossians 3:8 - But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. Apostle Paul gives more details in Ephesians 5:4 - Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. And as for gossiping, Ephesians 4:29 tells us to use our speech to build up others and therefore not tear them down. How many of us can claim to do this? It's hard, but we have to do it. Never forget that satan wants us to unnecessarily utter curse words with every sentence and destroy people for fun with our words. All so we rebel. That way, satan can accuse us and stand in the way of our blessings.
And this is why we can't cooperate with satan. We need to study the word and commune with the Lord. It is only He who can help each of us to steer clear of the traps satan sets. And when we're about to do something wrong, His Holy Spirit will remind us of the godly option (John 14:26). Praise God that we are told nothing can separate us from the love of God in Romans 8:38-39, therefore, when we realize our mistakes, we can seek His forgiveness. In 1 John 1:9 He promised to overlook our iniquities when we repent and having received this grace, we can try again and do better.
I pray you will join us for today's fellowship hour where we'll honor God with our praise and worship. Then, we'll intercede in prayers for others and seek the Lord's forgiveness for rebelling against His instructions. I know the Lord will hear us, answer our prayers, and restore us to Him renewed, refreshed and ready to crush satan's lies. God bless you and see you at Noon EST.
Read the rest of the Satan's lies series:
Satan is a destroyer - Friday Praise & Pray (for others) July 15, 2022
Satan's lies, insecurity & self reliance - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) July 19, 2022
Satan's lies & breaking covenant - Friday Praise & Pray (for others) July 22, 2022
Satan's Lies & Rebellion - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) July 26, 2022
*LAST 10 MINUTES* If you took the time to read today's message, you'll know we considered a few ways satan causes individuals to rebel against the Lord. While we only looked at a few of these ways, there are so many more. How does satan push you to rebel against the word of the Lord? How does he cause you to rebel against His purpose and plan for you? If you are unsure, simply ask the Lord to give you understanding. From my personal experience, it was embarrassing to learn the many ways I was getting punked by the devil. However, God is exceedingly kind. He didn't just tell me how I'd messed up, but guided me with His word on how…