Spiritual Adultery: Consequences - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) January 17, 2025
We've learned that spiritual adultery involves a so-called Christian putting their false gods and idols above or on the same level as God Almighty. Today, we consider some consequences that arise from such behavior.
Spiritual adultery creates separation from the Lord. The Bible states that nothing can separate us from the love of the Father (Romans 8:38-39). However, our choices can bring separation. One such choice occurs when someone puts false gods above or on the same level as the Lord. He considers this a great sin and Isaiah 59:2 tells us, But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.
For instance, God told Ezekiel that abominations were being committed by those who claimed to serve Him. Abominations serious enough to drive Him away from the Temple which He'd chosen as His residence among mankind (Ezekiel 8:6). Through a vision, the Lord revealed different groups of people all worshiping a variety of false gods. All this was happening within His sanctuary. No wonder Ezekiel also received a vision showing that the glorious presence of God left the Temple in Ezekiel 10. God could not remain among those who would worship other gods.
Their spiritual adultery led to death, destruction, and captivity. In due time, many of these same people were slaughtered while some were captured when Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem and destroyed it. Nevertheless, the Lord protected a remnant of people - those who had not participated in spiritual adultery. These individuals, including Jeremiah, Baruch, and many others, were not taken as captives to Babylon (Jeremiah 42).
The defilement of God's temple with idolatry and false god worship brought deadly consequences for the Israelites of old. Such repercussions await Christians who claim to honor God but serve His enemy, satan. They do so by wearing the evil eye for 'protection', burning sage for 'cleansing', and doing rituals, spells, and baths for money, influence, or beauty. Then they think they can call on the Lord and He will answer because in their minds those activities do not separate them from God. Alas, the Bible clearly shows that it does.
Many modern Christians forget that they are supposed to be God's temple. Through Jesus Christ, the Lord lives within each person who truly submits to Him. This is why Jesus said nobody can come to the Father except through Him (John 14:6 ). Everyone needs to give their life to Christ and receive the Holy Spirit who dwells within each believer and thus makes them God's temple on earth. A consequence of spiritual adultery is that God cannot live in those who commit this grievous sin.
Spiritual adultery also leads to curses upon a person, a group, and the generations to come. In the Ten Commandments, God said He would curse three to four generations of those who bow to idols and other gods. He noted that such people hate Him (Deuteronomy 5:7-9). The curses for this are laid out glaringly in Deuteronomy 28. Many Christians would never say they hate God, but their actions say different in that they do not obey His word. Jesus said in John 14:15 - If you love me, keep my commands. We cannot claim to love Jesus Christ, from whom we get our name - Christian - if we do not obey His teachings and do not obey the teachings of His Father, the Lord God Almighty.
This is not just an Old Testament matter as the issue of other gods, idols, and spirits was addressed in the New Testament. Firstly, Jesus said He did not come to abolish the Laws of Moses in Matthew 5:17. Thus, the Old Testament remains relevant. Secondly, if admixture with other gods, idols, and evil spirits were righteous, Paul would not have cast out the spirit of divination from the slave girl in Acts 16. She spoke accurately about who he and Silas were, but she gained that knowledge through other gods, and the evil had to go from her. Thirdly, if witchcraft was godly, why did the Ephesians confess their sorcery as sinful and burn all their sorcery tools when they learned about Jesus Christ in Acts 19? Fourthly, why did Paul have the authority to blind Elymas the sorcerer in Acts 13:11 if his practices were tolerable?
Just because the consequences of bad behavior and sin have not arrived does not mean they do not await. It's like Vashti who discovered that she would never again be able to say no to King Xerxes, despite him being her husband. God loves people and particularly, His children. But, if those who are meant to serve Him choose to serve other gods and bow to idols, then they will experience His punishment. Scripture cannot be broken and we must all heed it (John 10:35).
Yet, God's word states that He longs to redeem even those who have made wrong choices. So that is the key—seek His redemption—desire to be free from the consequences of turning away from the Lord. Receive the fullness of life, sound mind, and other blessings God guarantees His own.
God is not interested in simply pointing out flaws. He is invested in correcting and saving those who desire to be changed. Hosea 10:12 - Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you. Seek God in prayer and repentance. Choose to live righteously and sow seeds of faith and love all around you. He has promised that all who seek Him earnestly will be saved in Hebrews 11:6 and Joel 2:32. He will heal you of everything that causes spiritual adultery when you commit not to cheat on Him anymore.
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