Stay in God's Service - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) May 30, 2023
Many of us are familiar with Prophet Elijah and his successor, Prophet Elisha. Elisha became a son to the prophet, going everywhere with him. However, did you know Elisha was Elijah's second assistant? Someone else held the position before him. While the Bible doesn't tell us this man's name, we know he helped Elijah check the sky for evidence of rain during a prayer to end a three-year drought (1 Kings 18:43-44). And when Elijah ran after learning wicked Queen Jezebel planned to kill him, we are told the prophet dropped his assistant off at Beersheba (1 Kings 19:3).
This man never made another appearance in Elijah's story again. Instead, he was replaced by Elisha who went on to receive an inheritance that was the double portion of Elijah's spirit. Have you ever wondered why? I know I have.
The answer is simple. Elisha did something the first assistant didn't. In 2 Kings 2:2, Elijah told Elisha to remain behind while he went to do something for the LORD. Elisha's refused, saying, "As surely as the LORD lives and as you live, I will not leave you." Unlike the first assistant, Elisha didn't leave Elijah's side. He knew his assignment was to serve the prophet and he took his job seriously. There was no reason he would abandon his post. Even when his boss permitted him to.
How many of us could be so devoted? How many of us have shown such commitment to someone other than ourselves and our personal interests? I freely confess I can't claim to be so dedicated.
And that, ladies and gentlemen is a reason we struggle to reach the finish line on many of the challenges we face. We just give up. And, I'm not saying that doing so isn't understandable. Can you imagine how Elijah's first assistant felt? There he was, serving the great man of God and suddenly, there was a target on his back. Jezebel wasn't just going to stop at killing the prophet, right? Surely, such an evil person would kill his servant as well. I can literally imagine him saying, "Nah man, I didn't sign up for this."
Alas, that's exactly what we all signed up for when we chose to follow GOD. We chose to never leave His side the same way He has never left our side and never will.
As mentioned earlier, Elisha got a double portion of his boss's "spirit." That meant he did double the spiritual signs and miracles Elijah did. All it took was him being steadfast and unwavering in doing the job that the LORD gave him.
What has GOD told you to do? Is it to praise Him more? How about pray more? Don't you want to reap a double portion? Or even more? Elisha teaches us to stay in service to reap the blessings of the LORD. Don't give up. It might not seem like it, but you're doing a good job, so keep it up! God bless you and see you at Noon EST for Praise & Pray (for others).
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Jesus died on the cross to save you from the clutches of satan. He made that sacrifice to create direct access to an eternity in heaven. Through Him, each of us can choose to be godly and reject the devil's invitation to dwell in ungodliness.
1 Peter 3:18 - For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit.
What a beautiful sacrifice! All to make us return us to our Maker as redeemed daughters and sons! Why not acknowledge and accept that sacrifice by praying the italicized prayer below?
Jesus. Thank You for dying a painful death on…