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Storytime: The Tentacles of The Occult

Writer's picture: P L U N D E R E RP L U N D E R E R

Many of us think the occult is an issue impacting other people. It doesn't occur to us that occultism can and often does touch our existence in one way or another. I used to think this way. Then God showed me how the occult can trickle into a person's life in the most subtle but dangerous ways.

For my family and I, the Lord spent a period of almost 3 years gently identifying occult-tainted items in my life. Some were trinkets I'd had for so long, I couldn't remember where they came from. Others were things received from people. Many were very expensive and even rare. It was shocking to learn why and how certain things had to go.

And so today, we continue with the occult but this time, we consider specific items and practices that are stained by the practice. May the Lord open our eyes to how this issue affects us so we don't focus on others but ourselves to His glory, IJMN Amen.

The Lord helped me understand why certain things had to go with the following scripture, Deuteronomy 7:6 - Do not bring a detestable thing into your house or you, like it, will be set apart for destruction. Regard it as vile and utterly detest it, for it is set apart for destruction.

God detests objects that are tainted by the enemy and tied to idolatry and satan. It was shocking to learn some items in my possession stemmed from origins that weren't agreeable to the Lord. I had things from people whom the Lord helped me see where dabbling in the dark. Once He opened my eyes, it was so obvious. They'd never actually hid their belief system, I simply didn't recognize it for what it was for years! Needless to say, the trash became their resting place.

Then there were the items that, once I took a moment to be frank with myself, I rushed to dispose of. I'd been a yoga practitioner for over a decade and had items tied to that belief system. For me, it had never been anything more than a couple of gravity-fighting poses to keep in shape.

That was until the Lord pointed me to the origins of yoga. It stems from a region where the people, lovely as they may be, serve multiple idols and gods. Yoga itself has ties to the religious practices from that region. Therefore, could I really believe that yoga had nothing to do with the gods of those lands? The yoga mats were promptly removed from my home.

I remember when the Lord helped me understand I had no business frequenting a certain discussion thread on political happenings. One day, I was about to enter the thread only to see that right there in the name was the word 'Tarot'. It had always been there but I previously didn't catch the significance. Within the discussion were links and references to the opinions of tarot card readers about politics and politicians.

It had all seemed like a harmless past time - sharing political events and opinions with other like -minded individuals. Yet, the thread was deeply tied to the tarot - a popular New Age practice that relied on spirits other than God's Holy Spirit. Rather than give that any more of my time and energy, I left the thread and never returned.

If one is to be honest, it seems very daunting to start considering all the many places occult practice might somehow touch a person's life. This is a true and realistic assessment. And that is why, we humans can't adequately keep the tentacles of the occult away without the help of the Holy Spirit.

I pray, that you will recognize the need for the Lord, His Son - Jesus - and His Holy Spirit to help you. This will require submitting to that greater power and not the idols, the gods, and other tactics that idolatry, New Age 'spirituality' and satanism (in all its forms).

May the Lord, in His mercy, watch over us and rescue us from the snares of the enemy. May His loving hand guide angels to lift us up so our feet do not touch any stones. May He be glorified in our lives now and till the end of time, IJMN, Amen.

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Hannah Lovee
Hannah Lovee
Jan 31, 2023

I remember as a kid I was very much into Egyptian art and incense holders. I use to buy them and watch the glow from the tea light candles and the oils fill my room. I grew up a believer but didn’t realize how much occult things were around me. The Holy Spirit started showing me and I threw them away. I then realized that a lot of practices in church I grew up in dabbled in occult and religious practices. I did t realize how much the occult is all around us until the Holy Spirit started giving me revelation. God help me to cancel and detest everything you detest in Jesus name.

Feb 03, 2023
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Praise the Lord for opening your eyes. What a mighty God we serve.

He is concerned about the welfare of His children!

As you noted, it is amazing how much of the occult is right in our faces or just under the radar. Satan wants to make it invisible so people don't kick against it but God will always shine His light in the dark. Hallelujah!

Thanks for sharing your experience! God bless you.

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