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Stubbornness - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) March 29, 2022

There once was a man in the Bible named Naaman and he was a well-respected military commander for the king of Syria. Nevertheless, he suffered from leprosy. His wife had a servant who was originally from Israel. This young girl approached her mistress and recommended the master go receive healing in her home country.

Upon some prompting, Naaman made the journey to Israel. He was received by Israel's king and sent on to meet Prophet Elisha. Well, he actually didn't meet the prophet. He instead met with a servant who relayed the prophet's simple message - go dunk yourself in the Jordan River seven times and you'll be healed.

Naaman, feeling disrespected - after all, he was the second most important man in Syria and Elisha never bothered to see him - complained. 2 Kings 5:11 - But Naaman went away angry and said, “I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, wave his hand over the spot and cure me of my leprosy. His staff convinced him to follow the prophet's instruction and once done, the military commander stepped out of the Jordan with flesh like that of a young boy (2 Kings 5:14). Imagine if he'd returned to Syria without obeying the man of God? His leprosy would have spread and the military might, the fame, the connections would have meant nothing.

Do you see yourself in Naaman's story? Did God tell you to do something but you let your ego get in the way? Or, was it your personal ambition and desires that pushed aside the will of God? Has God's instruction been replaced with what you want, what you need, and your self ambitions? Maybe God's response didn't match what you'd imagined and so you dismissed it. That my friends, is stubbornness, and it can cost you big time.

God gives guidance and instruction for your own good. Although many see the Bible as daunting and restrictive, it is chockfull of His word to us, all shared to help. In many cases, He'll even give you a specific word on an issue they are facing or will face. He can and does do this via dreams. In some cases, He might speak through someone else, or through a song. Whatever the case, He's always trying to help us because to Him, we are precious children whom He must protect.

Unfortunately, we frequently forget that we are stumbling infants. Just because we've learned to use our limbs and faculties in a coordinated manner, we think we have what it takes to run our lives. However, God knows better. As our parent, He steers us in the right direction. We, nevertheless, choose to shake free of His loving guidance. And often, when the result of our stubbornness is a problem, we complain and blame Him for it instead of repenting and asking for help.

How are you being stubborn with God? Take some time to think about it. You'll be surprised that there's that one small thing God told you to do a long while ago but you didn't want to and so, you let time pass. Now's the chance to acknowledge your disobedience and ask Him for an opportunity to correct your mistake. Repent in payer. Then, get up and do what you were told to do. If you can't get it done in one sitting, create a plan, identify who can help, and pray to God to facilitate your task. There's no better time than now to get it right and turn away from your stubborn ways.

God bless and help us as you strive to be better to His glory, IJMN, Amen.

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