Thanks Offering - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) May 19, 2020
God has instructed us to give all manner of offerings to Him. In ancient times, the Jews (through the Levites) would offer all manner of animals, vegetables, grain, oils, honey, jewels, gold, and silver as offerings. These sacrifices were a means of honoring the Lord. They made Him happy and He blessed those who did so.
One form of offering is the thanks offering. Psalm 50:23 tells us “He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honors Me; And to him who orders his way aright I shall show the salvation of God.”
In this day and age, I wouldn't know where to find an animal to sacrifice. Plus, when I watch the news, all I hear is there's a shortage of meat at stores. Imagine trying to get one's hands on a whole live animal?
That said, I am grateful that I can offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with my voice. For free and with no prep necessary. Simply lifting my hands to the Lord and expressing appreciation for His mercies suffices as a thanks offering. Praise the LORD! And by doing so, I open His ears to hear and answer the prayers I'm about to say on behalf of others. What could be greater than that?
And as today is Tuesday, it is normal for me to invite others to join me in Praise & Pray. I hope you will find the time to give God an hour of honor and adoration. He is truly deserving.
May the Holy Spirit fill you with joy wherever you are. I hope to see you at 12 noon US EST to glorify God with song and plant seeds of prayer in the lives of others.
God bless you!