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Watch out for the Line, Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) June 28, 2022

Guys, I'm literally begging you to take time out of your schedules to acknowledge God every day. If you've been a part of P&P for the last few years then you should have been reading the messages. Yes, most of them are long but, if we are to be frank, you take a lot of time to comb through threads and keep up to date with all the happenings online. You can and should make time to read the messages.

You should also take the time to learn from them. The messages should be changing you as we learned in Grace Changes You. Your life should be reflecting this. If not, there's a problem. In this group, we should be advancing spiritually, not regressing.

Are you actively praising and interceding for people? Please remember that you can't expect God to keep working miracles for you if you are refusing to choose Him on a consistent basis. By choosing Him, I mean living a life of righteousness - doing the things He's called you to do. You can't keep playing in the mud and expect God's grace to always wipe you clean.

Yes, the blood works but if you read the Bible, you need only look at some of the characters to realize God showed them a lot of grace but eventually, He stopped. Consider Pharaoh. Moses told him to free the Israelite slaves. He refused over and over. Yet, God was patient. When He saw the mighty hand of God, he eventually relented only to renege. He forgot that just because God is kind doesn't mean God is not God. If you are unaware, Pharaoh ended up being swept away in the very same Red Sea that had parted to free the Israelites. The irony and climax of this story should be a warning to us all.

God is very patient. But, for all of us, there is a threshold. A point beyond which His patience comes to an end. We are warned multiple times that the Lord will return like a thief in the night (1 Thessalonians 5:2, 2 Peter 3:10, Revelation 16:15). Will you be ready?

May we not ignore the Lord's beckoning, IJMN, Amen.

Isaiah 55:6 - Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.

If you are offended by this message, I plead with you to take that spirit of offensiveness and give it to the Lord. Meaning, talk to God about it and see what He has to say before spending a lot of time being upset. Maybe, that emotion is a sign you need to change something in your life? I say that with all sincerity and no snark, as this message comes from a place of loving concern.

That said, I pray we shall all be quickened to turn from the things that are keeping us bound and stopping us from flowing in the Lord as He created us to. God bless you and see you at Noon EST.

To read a related older post, please see - Plumb Line - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) September 22, 2020

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28 jun 2022

Amen, Amen and Amen!!

What a hard but much needed word. So often we take GOD'S grace and mercy for granted. We use GOD like an ATM machine to get what we want from him (blessings and miracles) while we continue to live the life we want and ignoring him as he calls after us. I've seen what happens when GOD'S grace runs out and he releases a person to their own sins and desires and it never ends well for the person. If this message convicted your heart or offended you then please take heed, repent and seek GOD for instructions on what you are to do because once GOD releases a warning like this, that means time is…

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