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The Opposition We Face - Friday Praise & Pray (for others) May 31, 2024

What does it mean to suffer as a Christian? The members of the early church had no confusion on this issue. They'd watched their fellow believers be stoned, whipped, and killed for following the teachings of Jesus. Several walked away from the practices of their forefathers to accept Jesus as their Messiah and this caused friction in their relationships with loved ones.

Today, many of us have had the blessing of growing up in families that believe in Christ. The level of commitment to His teachings may vary, but Christianity is not so foreign a concept that we've had to go into hiding and worry about attacks from individuals or officials.

Yet, many live in fear because they have chosen to go the way of Christ and His Father, Almighty God. Their choice has brought them problems in both the physical and spiritual realms.

In the physical, their friends may have given them space because they no longer have shared interests. Some family members may have lost patience with their newfound zeal for Bible study and teachings. Coworkers may avoid their desk for fear of being reminded to give Jesus a try.

The attacks in the spiritual realm are more intense. Confusing dreams that create terror upon waking, or incessant nagging fears and anxieties that make no sense. All could be indicators that the devil is fighting a person for turning to God and away from a lukewarm life that was once easily controlled by feelings and sin.

Nobody enjoys being attacked even if it is because they chose to believe in Jesus. And the Bible speaks to this issue. Jesus warned in Matthew 10:22 - You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. The reality is that we should anticipate opposition simply because we chose to be on God's side.

We are also told in 1 Peter 4:16 - However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name. And we are not to be ashamed or saddened for suffering because we belong to Christ. Indeed, it is somewhat of a backhanded compliment. The opposition you face for opting to become God's child is an indicator that you made the right choice. It reveals that you are a threat to satan's kingdom and it is terrified.

Again, the issue here is that you face opposition from hell because you started to live for the Lord, not because your behavior has opened the door for the devil's harassment and persecution. The latter can happen when a Christian's life is filled with repeated sin habits, no repentance, and no intentional changes to their lifestyle so they can rule over sinful desires.

The wonderful thing is that despite all of this, God has grace & salvation available to rescue anyone out of satan's clutches. Whichever way the devil is opposing you and no matter how tough it seems, God has created the pathway to overcome hell's opposition. Call on the name of Jesus. His is the name above all names (Philippians 2:9). And at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth (Philippians 2:10). Just as was the case when Jairus called on Him, He's walking with you to bring you to the point of victory.

God has given you all you need for godly living (2 Peter 1:3). You just need to tap into the specific Kingdom Keys that will destroy the opposition you face. And remember, this opposition will work out for your good (Romans 8:28). Christ's disciples encouraged themselves in the face of opposition, saying, “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22).

As a believer in this age and dispensation, you are no different. Stand firm in the face of opposition and watch God bring the Jericho walls down. Watch Him walk you through the seas and the fires, bringing you out unharmed (Isaiah 43:2). Watch God put the devil to shame so it loses all because it troubled you. The Lord God Almighty is faithful. He is fully responsible for all who enter harm's way because of Him. He's got you!

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