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The Second Touch - Friday Praise & Pray (for others) October 14, 2022

Do you remember the Bible story of the blind man at Bethsaida that Jesus healed? It's in Mark 8:22-26 and there, the blind man's friends brought him for healing. Jesus took the man, walked him out of the village, then spat on his eyes. When He asked, “Do you see anything?” the man replied, “I see people; they look like trees walking around.

Mark 8:25 - Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.

Did you notice Jesus touched this man "once more"? Did you notice that at the first touch healing started but the second touch completed it?

Now, what if the man had been satisfied to simply see men as trees? He'd have run off and likely run right into a tree someday, thinking it was a man. God didn't want that for Him. Instead, God desired perfect healing. Imagine if he hadn't waited for the Savior to touch him a second time?

Far too often, we are satisfied with God's first touch. There's nothing wrong with that per se, after all we are to appreciate whatever God does for us no matter how small it appears (Zechariah 4:10).

Nevertheless, we also have to be willing to remain before the Lord to receive the more He has for us. And believe me, there is always more for He is the unlimited God. In fact, Paul describes the Lord in Ephesians 3:20 as "Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, (NKJV).

Therefore, we must seek the exceedingly and abundantly from the Lord because there's always another touch. If not, we'll be content to go from blindness to just seeing men as trees.

God has complete victory available for us - be it over family issues, work challenges, complications with finances or health problems. We need to be like the Blind Man of Bethsaida and wait for the Lord’s second touch. To do this, don't ignore God simply because you got what you prayed for. Continue to study the word, praise His name, fast and pray. We need to obey His commands and live in reverent fear of God. These may seem like much to many of us, but for those who commit to live righteously for the Lord, He has equally committed to help them do so.

Realize that by allowing God to guide you, we will receive the second touch which will lead to many more touches over the course of a lifetime and indeed, the lifespan of the generations to come.

Finally, please be aware that light has no business with the dark (2 Corinthians 6:14). In Genesis 1:2-4, God literally dispensed with the dark void when He declared "let there be light." This means, if you are seeking the Lord for something, don't blend ungodly things in your quest for the first or the next touch. That is not the time to infuse occult practices such as burning sage, bringing crystals and certain colored candles into your life. Stick with God and only God because if you fall for the temptation to bring the dark in, the light and its touch is extinguished.

May the Spirit of the LORD touch each of us and convict us to remain in His presence alone that He may touch us forever more, IJMN Amen.

Would love to see you there! God bless!

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