God Saves - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) August 9, 2022
Updated: Oct 5, 2022
I recently read the following scripture and was overjoyed in my spirit.
John 6:37 - All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.
John 10: 28 - I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.
The verses reminded me that it is God who works to save people. He opens His hand to individuals and when they take it, He leads them to Jesus Christ. Jesus has promised to never reject anyone that the Lord hands over to Him. He has promised that not one of these people can be stolen from Him.
Those who have taken God's hand and submitted to the Lord must remember that He is working things out so as to get them to heaven. Will there be missteps on their part? Certainly! However, the Lord is very kind and patient, He works with everyone to overcome all personal challenges, regardless of what they are. You can be struggling with masturbation, profanity or any other sin, God will help you so that sin is not your master (Romans 6:14). When you fall to sin, repent, and work harder to overcome what aims to hold you back.
The only question is will you cooperate with Jesus to get to the ultimate destination? While He's molding you, will you try to live in accordance with His word? Will you show the love He shows you to others? Will you be willing to let go of the sin that limits your spiritual growth and hampers your relationship with Him?
In addition, keep this scripture in mind when praying for others. Use it to call on the Lord to bring people into communion with Him. For God wants all souls to be saved so align in prayer with this objective by pronouncing the word of God over others who need to know the Lord in an intimate way.
I pray you will join us at Noon EST to fellowship. We shall honor the Lord with our worship, intercession, and prayers to remain in His hand as He leads us through life on earth to eternity with Him in heaven.. May the Lord bless you!