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Who's Afraid Of A Little Smoldering Firewood? - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) October 1, 2024

Writer's picture: P L U N D E R E RP L U N D E R E R

Have you ever watched firewood burn? Its exterior blackens while it sits in the flames. Still, it may hold its shape for a long time. However, if one were to inspect the piece closely, you would see that the shell may remain in one relative piece but the interior is nothing but ash. Therefore, even if the shell of the smoldering firewood appears intact, it cannot be used for any purpose because it will disintegrate upon contact.

God called two men smoldering firewood in the Bible - Rezin, the king of Aram, and Pekah, son of Remaliah, the king of Israel. Both men conspired to attack the Kingdom of Judah which was ruled by King Ahaz, a descendant of King David. Ahaz and his people were holed up in the City of Jerusalem hiding behind its walls and gate.

God sent word to Ahaz that He would keep the enemies out and that he need not fear. Specifically, He said in Isaiah 7:4 - Say to him, ‘Be careful, keep calm and don’t be afraid. Do not lose heart because of these two smoldering stubs of firewood—because of the fierce anger of Rezin and Aram and of the son of Remaliah.

Notice what he called these kings? Two smoldering stubs of firewood. Essentially, He said of them that they were all bark and no bite. Nothing to be afraid of.

Is there an opponent roaring at the gate of your life as the armies of Aram and Israel did to King Ahaz? Does the enemy seem like something you cannot overcome no matter how hard you try? That opponent could be a boss who sabotages you, a health condition that cripples you, or financial issues that limit you. The adversary at your gate could also be a deeper, internal issue, such as imposter syndrome, unforgiveness or sexµal immorality such as adultery, fornication, lust or pornography.

If you believe in Jesus and have called Him your savior, then God wants you to know that your opponents are not too powerful for Him to subdue. If you submit to His power, then He will make every challenger smoldering firewood before you. The key is to allow God to lead you into a closer relationship with Him. This will require that you read His love letters, written just for you in the Bible. It will require that you make time to spend with Him, because He adores you and cherishes your company.

It means you let Him change you and build you up for the more. 'The more' includes His promised fullness of life. It also speaks to putting your talents, Kingdom Position and place in His administration to use for His glory. It isn't just about what you will receive such as finances or the miraculous healing of mind and body. It's about being a servant and vessel for His purpose which is to terrify hell, serve as a witness to His might and save souls.

There is a condition here, though. You will have to do what God said in Isaiah 7:9, stand firm in your faith and you will not be defeated. Yes, you will have to uncage your faith and put it to work against the threats of your enemy. The Lord will test you for your own good and you will have to dig deep to trust Him when things go wrong. But if you do and He will help you with this, then He will ensure that every opposition is nothing but smoldering firewood. Nothing to be afraid of.

To learn more on today's topic, please read the following:

PS: If you don't yet know and believe that Jesus died on the cross to wash you clean from your sins and open the door to reconciliation with His Father, God, then today is the day to learn about this blessing. Please read the next post for additional information that will help you.

PPS: King Ahaz failed to stand firm in his faith and experienced defeat at the hands of his enemies. That shall not be our portion, IJMN, Amen.

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Oct 01, 2024


Do you know Jesus wants a relationship with you? That He wants a friendship with you?

Christ died for His friends but also for His enemies on the cross. He allowed Himself to be a sacrifice for all of humanity and for all time.

He did this because we human beings are sinners and our sin creates a barrier in our ability to step into God's presence. God cannot abide iniquity because He is holy and so as human beings sin and sin and sin, the distance between themselves and the Lord grows larger.

But not if you become a friend of Christ. Those who choose to become His friend receive a deposit of God's Holy Spirit who…

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