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Whose Slave Will You be? - Tuesday Praise & Pray (for others) February 21, 2023

Writer's picture: P L U N D E R E RP L U N D E R E R

Since giving my life to Christ, I've found the Book of Revelations and its prophecies of God's end times to be comforting. However, I recently stumbled upon a verse I found troubling. The verse in question was Revelation 6:15 - Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.

More than anything else, the word "slave" stuck out to me. I wondered, how could it be possible that so far into the future there would still be slavery? Thankfully, the Lord put things in context and my shock morphed into a sad reality.

Although the Atlantic Slave trade was officially abolished in 1865, the buying and selling of humans continued long after that in many nations. Sadly, slavery remains an industry today with people being abducted, sold, and abused. All to line pockets. If there's slavery in this day and age, I can imagine a future where such continues. Besides, if there's one thing Revelation makes clear, it is that the end times will be very wicked times. Therefore, slavery would seem to be part and parcel of what's to come.

Just as there is, there was, and will be physical slavery, things are no different in the spiritual realm. Spiritually, slavery exists for so many. This is part of the devil's objective to keep as many people from reaching heaven as possible. And the main tool satan uses to achieve this is sin.

God considered spiritual slavery so important, He sent Jesus to die in order to set every human being free for all time. Despite this, sometimes, people choose spiritual slavery either on purpose or inadvertently through a lack of His knowledge.

The Bible points to occult practitioners, liars, slanderers, and the unrighteous/wicked as some of those who purposely choose to turn from the Lord. Many of these people even claim to be practicing Christians. Yet, they have chosen to not acknowledge God or the instructions He has given for life and living. They thereby end up slaves to sin, bound in satan's snares.

Then there are those who because they don't know God's word end up slaves to sin and the devil's evil schemes. This is why God established apostles, evangelists and others in the five-fold ministry to spread the word and miracles of God across the earth.

Nevertheless, did you know that believers are also slaves of sorts? In their case, they are free from sin but bound to the Lord. This is what happens when believers accept Jesus and begin to live for Him. They suddenly start to put their Master's desires at the forefront of their choices. Romans 6:22 - But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.

As such, becoming God's slave means freedom. The liberty to live a life of righteousness and enjoy the resulting benefits, most important of which is eternal life.

The choice is ultimately yours. Whose slave will you be? The term slave is unpalatable, especially for many who have ancestors who indeed bore that designation and the terror it meant for them and their descendants. A terror that arguably exists today.

Still, the choice has to be made and it's a choice with physical and spiritual ramifications. These consequences can also last long after you are gone. Again, whose slave will you be? God's or His enemy's?

[PS: If you are wondering about those who haven't been introduced to Christianity, God bless you. It is scriptural for believers to be concerned about their souls. Romans 2:14 points out that many non-believers somehow live in accordance with God's instructions. This is because the laws of God are actually written on the human heart (Romans 2:15). As such, they are much more instinctive than many realize. Still, these people need to know why that is and this happens when they are introduced to the Truth (1 Timothy 2:4). After that, they are free to make their own choice. My prayer remains that hearts and minds will choose life (Deuteronomy 30:19) and that the Lord of the harvest will send out more laborers to reap soils for His kingdom. If you are interested in helping others come to know the Lord, tell God you will serve. He'll assign you to free others just as you were set free.]

See you all at Noon EST for Praise & Pray fellowship.

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I don't know about you but the entire concept of slavery has always bothered me. How can a human being, made in the image of God, be deemed to be nothing more than chattel? Why should God's creation be muzzled, deprived of choice and freedom?

The devil is doing this and much worse to people everyday. Why should you be subject to satan's whims?

It is time to break free! It is time to declare "I AM NO LONGER A SLAVE TO SIN."

God wants each of us to be free of sin and the slavery it brings. That's why He sent Jesus. If you believe in Him and have accepted that He is the Son of…

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